DBuzz Inspired Sketch-Pieces - Day 1

This is a compilation of the drawings I sketched while exploring the Latest posts section of D.Buzz. Each drawing was inspired by one of Hive's Microbloggers and I'll showcase the images below as well as a link to the original inspiration and mention the user behind it.

These were all sketched on Samsung Notes app because it was the easiest to access at the time, if I did this again, I'll probably use Clip Studio Paint.

I had three goals in this practice: To focus on finishing the sketch quickly. To achieve a nice-to-look-at result, and to make whoever inspired each one happy. I'd like to think I achieved the three goals for all the images below.

Let's start:

A Flower

My attempt at quick-sketching the flower photo posted by @tahirazaman here: [LINK]

This is the first image that started it all. I had the idea of doing this for a while now, but only after thinking "I could draw this" that I decided to start that day.

Snack Break

This is inspired by @licht0804's trip to a fast food corner. My sketch looks a lot different compared to the photo he posted [LINK] and it was difficult, but I like the result in the end.

Ancient Castle

Apparently, this is a train station in Malaysia according to @reidenling90's post To me though it looked like a nice castle to have a painting for.

Considering this is only a sketch, I think I did a good job, but the perspective isn't very good. I hope to one day be able to draw things like these accurately.


This one is based on one of the photos from @flaxz.ctp's post. I thought I could make a good version of it with my sketches. I enjoyed drawing it so much that I went overboard with coloring.

Landscape of Trees

I made a few changes compared to the photo @dona22 posted. In her original "wholesome" photo she had her children and other kids playing in the foreground, and I only drew the landscape part. This is probably the drawing I enjoyed the most of the bunch:


The DIY crafts master @asterkame loves Choclate like me, when I saw her posting photos of her snacks [LINK], I decided to draw them as well.


Not much to say about this one. It's a response to @jhonasanagon's Meme post.


  • All images were sketched by me on Samsung Notes App.
  • Users mentioned as inspiration have a share of 24% of the beneficiary rewards for this post.angazap/re-7clclevezddd3o1zlgtoqo)

This image I drew for @ben.haase's post about Needing to Power Through the day because he missed his chances to have a nap. I like conversations with him, and I enjoyed drawing this image as a response to his post.

I also posted this image to @jimmy.adames in this post.

What do you think?

I plan on doing this again in the future, (hopefully soon.) If you like these sketches you might love the stories and art I spent more time on. If so, please check out the "Where to Start?" article. Tell me your opinion. Any feedback is great to have.~

* All images were sketched by me on Samsung Notes App.
* Users mentioned as inspiration have a share of 24% of the beneficiary rewards for this post.

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