ONLY THREE #15 - Beach photography on the Andalusian Coast - A new entry for photography lovers

#15 onlythree_Spanien Los Caños de Meca DSC_0138-02.jpeg

#15 onlythree_Spanien Los Caños de Meca DSC_0182-01.jpeg

#15 onlythree_Spanien Los Caños de Meca DSC_0181-02.jpeg

Los Caños de Meca (SPAIN)

(D) Es ist wunderbar...denn ich bin endlich wieder in meinem neuen kleinen Paradies Los Caños de Meca (Spanien). Und ich nehme mir die Zeit stundenlang den langen Sandstrand entlang zu gehen. Dabei entdecke ich nicht nur schöne Strandpanoramas mit Leuchtturm und Wasservögel, sondern auch verschiedene Menschen, die jeweils auf ihre eigene Art den Atlantik geniessen. Und dies nenne ich "Beach Photography".

(ENG) It's wonderful... because I'm finally back in my new little paradise Los Caños de Meca (Spain). And I take the time to walk for hours along the long sandy beach. Not only do I discover beautiful beach panoramas with lighthouses and water birds, but also different people, each enjoying the Atlantic in their own way. And this is what I call "beach photography".

(ESP) Es maravilloso... porque por fin estoy de vuelta en mi nuevo pequeño paraíso Los Caños de Meca (España). Y me tomo el tiempo de pasear durante horas por la larga playa de arena. No sólo descubro hermosos panoramas playeros con faros y aves acuáticas, sino también gente diferente, cada uno disfrutando del Atlántico a su manera. Y esto es lo que yo llamo "fotografía de playa".


Check out my (mostly) daily series of a photographical post/shot...

ONLY ONE - Only one photo, a moment, a history, a perspective. How I see the world.

Daily Post
but only one picture
but one to marvel at and dream about


The images and the text in German were created without AI. The text in Spanish and English I translated with

Previous Posts
#1 Intro&Dragonfly#2 Views of a Trainstation#3 Architectural Sky views
#4 Sky Views and a Monomad challenge#5 Different Views of a moor lake#6 The newest Sky Views of Oerlikon
#7 Three views of the Guggenheim Museum#8 Greetings of Calatrava from Valencia#9 More greetings of Calatrava from Valencia
#10 A walk in a place not as old as it seems#11 The birds fly again#12 When I dream of places I have been and will soon be again
#13 When I'm in a place I've been dreaming about for a year#14 When I catch Birds with time on the Andalusian Coast (D/ENG/ESP)

dp4mda5s (5).gif

PHOTOGRAPHER : Lukas Bachofner

HOMEPAGE : (Under Construction!!!)

INSTAGRAM : lukasbachofnerfoto


I took and edited all the photos myself. There is a possibility that the pictures of the Only One - Series have already been published in another post in another community. There is no intention of plagiarism behind this!!!

LENSAF-S Nikkor18-140mm
DX VR 1:35-56 GED
AF-S Nikkor55-300mm
DX VR 1:4.5-5.6 GED
SMARTPHONEXiaomiNote 10 Pro
PICTURE EDITINGSnapseedAndroid App


• Have you sold your photography as NFT? Experience?

• Should I do NFT with my photography?

• Who would buy my pictures?

• Which community also cures one-shot-with-explanation-posts

• Please put the AI's in inverted faraday cages...!!!!

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