Street Photography Of Street Photographers

By nature, photographers are an observant bunch but whilst distracted taking pictures they are also an easy target. So, as they focus on their task let's give them some exposure. There's some depth to this field... and other puns.

These were almost all taken along Chiang Mai's Walking Street in northern Thailand where a road is closed for the afternoon and evening once a week and a street market is set up. Very popular with local and foreign tourists there is always a lot going on and a lot to photograph. The last picture was taken at the famous Chatuchak market in Bangkok, which is another fascinating but less pleasant place to wander with a camera, due to the crowded, stuffy atmosphere and a bit more of an 'attitude'.

Nice to see somebody exploring a different angle, making use of the tools the camera offers in the flip-out screen. We're probably all guilty of not quite using our cameras to their full potential.

I may well have ended up in the frame of the photograph this woman took of her friend - the creepy guy taking pictures at skirt-level!

This man has a very nice technique of improvising a tripod with his own body. Even his right arm is held steady with his motorbike helmet wedged against his leg. Although there is something "Alien" about how his arm is coming out of that face-hole.

Here's a memory I captured of these two reviewing the memories they just captured. I grew up with rollfilm so I am still amazed at the immediacy of the digital age.

I don't think these two women were particularly large but here they look like giants! Even the woman in the background looks tiny in comparison. Although there may be some truth in it as Thai people still tend to be shorter than Westerners on average, it is exaggerated by the low angle of my camera. But I'm sure the photos they took of those costumed girls were very cute.

When I look at this I can't help wondering just how similar the photos they took were. They might have been virtually identical and yet there's also a lot that could have been different like zoom, exposure, framing, timing... Perhaps they were making stereoscopic images but I think you would need to be even more precise for that to work.

Well, there obviously weren't any photographers here so I took a picture of the sign instead. For a photographer, a sign like this is a red rag to a bull.

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