A Moonlover's tale p5 - The Eclipse

Greetings Hiveans!

As you know by now I've set out to capture the moon every month!
It's mostly focused on the full moon but I like to vary from time to time just to keep it interesting.

See my previous posts here;

  1. @gvkanten/a-moonlovers-tale
  2. @gvkanten/a-moonlovers-tale-pt-2
  3. @gvkanten/a-moonlovers-tale-part-3
  4. @gvkanten/a-moonlovers-tale-part-4

The Eclipse

This full moon was a special one. There was a partial eclipse on a full moon! It's also known as a blood moon but I try to keep it less creepy in these posts 😂😂😂.
I'll spare you the science (mostly because I'm not qualified to explain all of this) but it's basically when Earth gets right in between the Sun and the moon, blocking the rays and temporarily resulting a cool looking, shadow-Y moon...

I had made all my calculations... I read all the blogs... My equipment was ready.
The eclipse started somewhere around 4:08 AM my time and it would have a peek at 5:12AM my time. Give or take a few minutes (don't sue me!).
That meant that I had to stay up... I'm a nightowl either way so this was not a problem.

As I went outside to take a few test shots of the 100% full moon, I felt confident....I was going to capture my very first Lunar Eclipse.


Now hold on.. It's not like I've never seen it before. I just never had the interest or the camera gear to do it justice. 😔

So here I am at 3.40 am, grading some papers, using my awake time responsibly 🤓.... When suddenly I hear some rain outside.
Rain?! Ok fine! I live in Curacao, it doesn't rain that often and when it does chances are that it passes rather quickly.
Suddenly I hear more rain, harder rain, full blown rain shower rain...
I'm like nooooooo, don't do this! Not today!

When it stopped I ran outside to check what I was dealing with and much to my chagrin I saw even more clouds rolling in... There were clouds on top of clouds!
No holes I could spot...


At this point the eclipse had started and I desperately looked up to see if I could spot anything... Nothing..

I went back inside and came out 15 minutes later and saw a few holes in the clouds: Hope...


I took a few quick shots in between after braving all the mosquitos. Picture me at 4.30 am in my yard, camera in hand, intensely looking up at the clouds hoping to spot, not just a moon, but an eclipsed moon.... Sigh...
I did manage something though, this is the result..

This is my only proper eclipse shot!


And yet I'm proud of the shot I got. It was in between the clouds and not what I wanted but it has its own beauty nonetheless.

I also took a few shots of the different moon phases.. I feel like they each have a different vibe and sometimes they're more intriguing than the full moon in my opinion .


And one during the day!


That's it for me today. I would love to see your eclipse shots if you have any. Feel free to drop links in the comments.



Ps. This is post 20 of 30 for the #HiveBloPoMo challenge. Join us next time!

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