Visit to Sukhum (visual history 27 photos)


When it is winter and there is a lot of snow outside, it is especially pleasant to climb into the part of the archive where photographs of southern travels are stored. Before continuing to acquaint you further with sunny Abkhazia, I want to sum up some intermediate result and show links to posts that are associated with this country and specifically with New Athos.

Когда за окном зима и много снега, особенно приятно забраться в ту часть архива, где хранятся фотографии южных путешествий. Прежде чем знакомить вас дальше с солнечной Абхазией, я хочу подвести некоторый промежуточный итог и показать ссылки на посты, которые связаны с этой страной и конкретно с Новым Афоном

In the beginning, we just stopped in this wonderful town and walked to the city park with palm trees and swans in the ponds.

We could not help but visit the New Athos Monastery and admire its beauty and grandeur.

Further, our path lay deep in this very mountain, into the famous New Athos caves.
It was long walk
We finished it only from the third run

Since we climbed into the belly of the mountain, we had to conquer its top and [we began our ascent](@bambuka/featured-new-athos-hike-to-anakopia- visual-history-22-photos)

Finally we climbed a small plateau at the top of the mountain..

We examined the ruins of an ancient fortress and admired the beautiful views from above

Finally, they examined the remains of the temple and descended from the mountain.

We visited a man-made waterfall

Railway station Psirtskha - New Athos

Visual pilgrimage - Simon the Canaanite

WednesdayWalk into the past

On the wild beach of the Black Sea

Night, full moon and light

Hike to the "Three Cauldrons" - the beginning

Three Boilers Gorge

Visual walk along the Tri Kotla gorge

Morning in the mountains


This official plate says to us "President of the Republic of Abkhazia". Of course, the man in the cap and glasses has nothing to do with the president or even his security. This is your humble servant. And you can see the bandaged right hand ...
This is the reason why the visit to the capital of Abkhazia took place. While on a wild beach, I usually pick up different roots on the shore and cut them with a knife to get different figures, masks and just souvenirs. I was not careful that morning and needed a surgeon to stitch up the wound ...
Thus, in search of a surgeon, we ended up in Sukhum. But enough about sad things, the hand healed long ago, but we saw new beautiful places.

Нам этой официальной табличке написано "Президент республики Абхазия". Конечно, мужик в кепке и очках не имеет отношения ни к президенту, ни даже к его охране. Это ваш покорный слуга. И вы можете видеть забинтованную правую руку...
Это та причина, по которой состоялся визит в столицу Абхазии. Находясь на диком пляже я обычно подбираю на берегу разные корни и режу их ножом получая разные фигурки, маски и просто сувениры. В то утро я был не осторожен и мне потребовался хирург, чтобы зашить рану...
Таким образом в поисках хирурга мы и оказались в Сухуме. Но хватит о грустном, рука давно зажила, зато мы посмотрели новые красивые места.




Looking at these pictures, you might think that you are in a rich country with wealthy citizens. Maybe this is so, but I did not have such an impression. This administrative center is really beautiful. It has old architecture, expensive cars and the atmosphere of a southern resort. But this is just a small central part of the city.





There is something to admire here. Apparently my hand spoiled my mood and I didn’t take pictures with the camera much. And we weren't very long. But some places were worth special attention.





Of course, first of all I liked the unusual dragon fountain. I don't know his story. Maybe the Chinese or the Japanese are involved ... who knows. But it was very pleasant to be near this beauty and especially in the midday heat.
I imagined how this fountain might look on an old postcard ... and then I couldn't stop and processed a few more photos in this style.







Как вы поняли, мы вышли на набережную.

Previously, the street along the Black Sea gulf in Sukhum was called Mikhailovskaya, and now it is divided into two parts: the Dioskurov embankment and the Makhadzhirov embankment. The second one is more famous because it contains more different attractions. The name of this coastal promenade was given in honor of the "Mahajiri" people, which means "settlers". This was the name of the Muslim Abkhazians, who, by order of the government, were forcibly resettled from the Russian Empire to the territory of the Ottoman Empire after the Caucasian War.







The embankment is decorated with bronze sculptures and it is pleasant to walk along it, but to be honest, it needs renovation for a long time. Although since then, much can already be restored now.




In general, the city of Sukhum made a pleasant impression. It can make a very beautiful resort town. There is history and a lot of greenery and most importantly, there is the sea.

CameraSony A57
LensSony 16-105
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright

From Russia with Love



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