Hike to the "Three Cauldrons" - the beginning

Среди интересных мест Нового Афона есть одно, которое мне нравится особенно сильно. Это место называется Три Котла. Туда можно добраться на машине, автобусе, на лошадях или...пешком. Естественно, мы выбрали последний вариант. Не потому, что у нас нет машины или нам жалко денег за проезд любым способом. Сама дорога к этому месту очень красива. Мы любим ходить пешком и делаем это каждый день и подолгу. А кроме того, в это время созрел инжир. Эти деревья растут по всему пути к Трём Котлам. Я специально изготовил длинный посох с небольшим сучком на конце. В этот день мы объелись инжира.

Три Котла представляют собой ...не знаю как правильно сказать, чтобы переводчик правильно перевёл и вы поняли... Это три чаши по течению реки, которые заполнены водой. Горная река Мсракуара в сухое время больше похожа на небольшой ручей и только эти чаши/котлы полны до своих краёв.

Само русло проходит по дну живописного ущелья. Там есть чаши поменьше и можно дойти до самого начала этой реки. Как ни странно, она начинается с водопада. Мы обязательно до него дойдём, но вначале нам надо дойти до того места, где можно спуститься к этому руслу и Трём Котлам.

Мы встали пораньше в надежде успеть туда до того, как солнце войдёт в зенит. Не скажу, что было очень рано, но мы успели.

Among the interesting places of New Athos, there is one that I like especially strongly. This place is called Three Cauldrons. You can get there by car, bus, horse or ... on foot. Naturally, we chose the latter option. Not because we do not have a car or because we feel sorry for the money for travel by any means. The road to this place itself is very beautiful. We love to walk and we do it every day and for a long time. And besides, at this time the figs ripened. These trees grow all the way to the Three Cauldrons. I specially made a long staff with a small knot at the end. On this day we ate too many figs.

Three Cauldrons represent ... I don't know how to say it correctly, so that the translator translates correctly and you understand ... These are three bowls along the river, which are filled with water. The mountain river Msrakuara in dry weather looks more like a small stream and only these bowls / cauldrons are full to their brim.

The channel itself runs along the bottom of a picturesque gorge. There are smaller bowls and you can walk to the very beginning of this river. Oddly enough, it starts with a waterfall. We will definitely reach it, but first we need to get to the place where we can go down to this channel and the Three Kotlam.

We got up early, hoping to be there before the sun reaches its zenith. I won't say that it was very early, but we made it.


You could go to the city itself. From there the road leads directly to this place. But we decided to cut this loop and climb the mountain along the top of a small ridge, which was overgrown with greenery and there was a small trail.




At that time, I did not do reports for social networks, I just photographed something that interested me. Now I would show more features of this path. If I go there again, then I will do just that and show you in more detail. I hope for this case.





There was a time when I was actively involved in wood carving. But I confess honestly, I would never have been able to make such a thread as insect larvae under the bark of eucalyptus. Nature is a very creative artist in every aspect.




We walked along the slope of one mountain and on the slope of another I saw a cave. It would be interesting to get there, but most likely it will never happen.



Thank God, our road sometimes plunged into the shade and it was possible to take a break from the scorching sun rays. But there I was little interested in something that could be filmed. But the cave across the street still attracted attention. Apparently, the unattainable beckons us.





On the way, we came across a small mountain stream. He, too, cut through the rock with his jets. But its size cannot be compared with the river to which we were heading.





On the other hand, you will soon be able to compare these two channels and make sure that in some ways they are very similar.

CameraSony A57
LensSony 16-105
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright

From Russia with Love



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