Workouts, Training, Habits, and Other things you know but don't!

What's going on hive! I am going to start putting up exercises, stretches, habits, and what not to get into physical shape and to be physically ready. This will also include very basic hand to hand and non projectile techniques with different weapons. I have a very real grasp on working out and not a "just changing your lifestyle" and am not one of those "in just a few easy steps" bullshit kind of person. I do not like where exercise, martial arts, and self awareness has been taken. Many will be butt hurt by what I say about the industries and cultures in my future posts.

I do what I call child movement exercises. These are movements based upon the everyday motions that children use. The main reason why we lose our rang of motion, flexibility, and strength is bc we no longer use them. I have designed and kept exercises in my regiment to where even if you cheat and don't use proper technique it won't harm you and you'll still get a good work out. I don't like that many workouts require a trainer to keep an eye on you. Let's face it people cut corners and count reps that they shouldn't. It's the reason why personal trainers are able to make such a good living. Most the the time it's not so that some one can show you what to do but to make sure that you actually do it. Having a workout partner is a cheaper and more fun way to keep yourself moving. If you're someone who does most things alone then find random times or set aside some time for yourself to be a little extra active.

THERE IS NO BEST MARTIAL ART!! If someone swears that they are taking the best martial art they are lying!!!! Most likely they are just repeating shit they hear other people say or bc the martial art they're talking about is the one they are currently a practitioner in and want you to think they're a badass. Most fights don't last for even 2 minutes bc that's how long most people's gas tank lasts. Yes, even people who are in shape. Unless you train then you are one of these people. Added to the fact only 10-15 percent of the population have ever been in a real physical altercation in their lives. So that guy/girl who has a bunch of stories about fights they've had are just full of shit unless you've witnessed them. You don't need any special techniques just the basics of block punch and kick will be more effective than whatever one hitter quitter move your being told to believe.

Also working out, training and all this is very very hard. I've been working out and training all my life and sometimes just getting myself to do 20 pushups is like pulling fucking teeth! So all the "it's not big deal, it's so easy" people can go pound sand. Making changes in a life where you're comfortable and content with your current body type is one of the hardest things. I get it. That's where I have a problem with the workout culture. It makes people who are trying quit bc other people say bullshit to make you feel bad. Believe me the people giving you advice are not following the same shit they're telling you. The best way to start working out or changing your lifestyle is with small shit. I will get into that during my posts.

WEAPONS ARE ALWAYS SCARY!! Never go in thinking you'll be fine. Go in with the mentality that you're gonna get cut but they're going to die. Without it you're fucking dead from the get go. There's no set of movements to guarantee anything.

There is a lot of false information and bad advice. Even here on hive. I will do everything in my power to bring the best information and advice to the community.

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