My Actifit RC: June 2nd 23 - Alive in Naples's sightseeing 6th stage - IAAC #363

A dear greeting to all lovers of physical activities that populate the mythical community of Actifit.

The imposing figure of the monumental church of Santa Maria la Nova hides a turquoise sky already threatened by large clouds that are developing in the interior of the province of Naples.

Today, 2nd June 2023, the day of the Italian Republic is celebrated. Day that for Italy sanctioned the transition from an unhappy monarchical administration to a republican.

Today I arrived quite easily to the most beautiful park in Italy, that of Capodimonte, an immense green lung that develops along the north-northeast outskirts of the city on the homonymous hill of volcanic origin.

The Capodimonte complex covers 134 hectares and consists of a forest, a palace, a porcelain factory and one of the 10 most important museums in the world for the quantity and quality of the collection.

Today we climb the stairs of the museum that houses the Farnese collection inherited from the King Charles of Bourbon patron who designed the complex of Capodimonte today.

I began to visit the hall of the tapestries where the walls are exposed to the 7 tapestries celebrating the battle of Pavia in which Charles V of Habsburg triumphed over the French troops of Francis I de Valois. The room is completely renovated after a restoration.

In the darkness of a room stands out illuminated portrait of 1300 Saint Louis of Toulouse poster of the Franciscans who strip of their assets to devote themselves to religious life. Louis abdicated in favor of his brother Robert of Anjou.

Giorgio Vasari is one of those multifaceted figures that fascinate me enormously. Architect of the Uffizi was a painter of incredible quality and inspiration. This work of his is the presentation of Jesus to the canvas temple that stands in the middle between two representations of the dinner in the house of the Pharisee.

And here is Charles of Bourbon just twenty years old in hunting gear ready for a trip in the woods of the Palace of Capodimonte wearing a cloak created by Prince Sanseverino Raimondo di Sangro who had also supplied him with the rifle that works with compressed air and with powder from gunshot.

The museum has a vast collection of historical weapons.

We mentioned at the beginning that overall there is a porcelain factory. Here there is a precious testimony of a complete that has come up to our times almost intact.

One of the greatest painters of the Neapolitan Baroque was Luca Giordano. He was inspired by the naturalism of Caravaggio and here there is a collection of his portraits of enormous thickness. It is also true that he painted countless paintings of fine workmanship.

The museum is huge and visiting it in one day is not possible for me because I don’t like to be too focused on a topic the same day and I think we need another visit later.
In the photo is a great collection of portraits of the rulers of Poland #polish .

After having climbed to refresh my culture I went down to the ground to take the road back. I had planned a walk in the woods but, as usual in this time, a threatening cloud is discharging thunder and it’s time to go home.

My thoughts go to the countless visitors who were present in the park, surprised by a sudden thunderstorm.

Finally, I would like to thank all my friends from the tribe of #Alive and all the new friends who happened between the lines of my stories for reading my thoughts and see you at the next #actifit report.

Summary with previous stage of sightseeing 2 - the back:

Alive sightseeing in Naples, the back, 1st stage

Alive sightseeing in Naples, the back, 2nd stage

Alive sightseeing in Naples, the back, 3rd stage

Alive sightseeing in Naples, the back, 4th stage

Alive sightseeing in Naples, the back, 5th stage
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175 cm
96 kg
Body Fat

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