caelum1infernum Actifit Report Card: April 13 2023

75.1 Kg can't believe it. When I first arrived in the UAE I was 82Kg I looked fat, ugly and old.

After one year of walking and an occasional gym workout I lost almost 7Kg it's quite slow but still not easy to do when you're constantly battling depression on a daily basis.

I have to thank @actifit I started actifit for a year I guess and force myself to walk at least 10k on a daily basis It was incredibly hard to be honest forcing yourself to move when you just want to lie down and waste your life away.

But I did it daily anyway I tell myself at least do 5k at least talking to myself over and over again I keep reminding myself of my brother you passed away more than a year ago telling myself if he see my condition now he will disappointed so need to keep pushing no one cares anyway because men are men whatever we do doesn't really get any attention unless you're a celebrity, politicians or rich πŸ€‘

So I learn from Doctor Jordan Peterson where he said being men is necessary and do not be weak if you're weak everyone who is a Predator will prey on you it made so much sense because when I was in school I was in boxing πŸ₯Š club everyone respected me because I never lost a fight but of course I don't just go out fight with anyone as long as people know you're a beast but a civilized person people will respect even more they love and fear you at the same time which make sense.

Anyway I seem to be off topic what I want to say is just embrace the suffering of this world 🌍 suffering is default unless you start doing something to improve yourself it doesn't even take much just do one push up per day then increase one rep every week so you can feel the progress.

I'll be honest I am never happy in my life I can't even remember the last time I was happy but at least I have a goal and improve myself on a daily basis I don't even enjoy what I do on a daily basis but I Improve the skills anyway because I don't know what I want and I'm sure most people does not know either.

What we humans can do is improve ourselves on a daily basis until we are strong enough to help others share your knowledge with others, help others and be kind but have standards for yourself and draw a line of respect for yourself it work so much for me this one year change is good stress is good.

When you're stressed out find a solution to fix it if people are toxic leave them It doesn't matter who they are just leave them and never speak to them because these types of people will bring you down till they turn you into ashes never allow it.

Well I guess that's all for today enjoy the Pictures I hope my advice will help you in some way if you already know then it's a reminder for you take care and keep safe always hiver and actifiters.

We are spirits living in a physical body πŸ‘οΈ we are human beings.

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Goal: reinvest 50% of earnings into HP and 50% to Alive Token
All of this work is for me and my family, that's the future.

I'm not a financial advisor I'm just planning for myself please be aware everything that we do there is risks involved

  • For family everything is possible.


I want to be successful enough to be able to bless others with my success.


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Whenever you wake up Remind yourself that time is short and there are things to do let's get at it head on time to go to war with life. - caelum1infernum

  • Keep your expenses low put some into savings and some into investing you need to create passive income financial freedom is the life everyone deserves - caelum1infernum

  • If you have doubts look into the mirror and tell yourself that you will do what needs to be done to succeed in this life - caelum1infernum

As a man Most of the time you need to make a decision, usually always a hard one, you might even need to hurt a lot of people just to do the right thing, just do it because if you don't, you and the people around you suffer forever better to suffer a short period of time than to suffer forever choose wisely. - caelum1infernum

People of value has few friends but strong friends rejects has many group of friends but they all weak and forever be a reject choose your friends wisely - caelum1infernum


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2 . How to Convert HBD to Hive and Use PeakD

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gym, Walking, Weight Lifting

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