

GOOD DAY, MY FELLOW WRITERS AND LOVELY READERS! It's been a week since I last posted. How are you guys? Did you miss me? Well, I miss you all. My life has been busy these days. I hope you're still waiting for me. (ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)

These past few days have been super exhausting. Psychically and Mentally. In the first week of May, Me and My classmates did unlimited practice for our upcoming pathfit.
(Pathfit stands for Physical Activities Toward Health and Fitness)

I didn't know that the PE in college is different from the used PE that we do in Elementary and High School.

The PE in our second semester took all our strengths. After our PE class we sleep in any corner of the campus. After our whole class we immediately head to our beds to rest.

College Physical Education really helps us to be physically fit. It will introduce us to core exercises that we didn't meet before. It will help our stamina to help improve our muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance,flexibility and body composition.

Our PE teacher told us to buy a resistance band, jumping rope, dumbbell and hula hoop.

The resistance band tests our muscle strength from up to the bottom. We did squatting and many more.

The next piece of equipment that we used was a Jumping Rope. The jumping rope improves our coordination—it also helps to burn calories and to work out forearms, triceps, shoulders, back muscles, chest muscles, calf muscles, glutes and many more. It gives our bones density a boost.

The third piece of equipments that we used was a dumbbell. Our PE teacher told us that if we can't afford the real dumbbell set, we should find an alternative. She suggested that we should look or buy a 1 liter C2 and a salt. We should put salt inside the C2 to make it heavier and it also has the same weight of a dumbbell. The dumbbell helps our body to build strength and tones our muscles— it also helps us to have better sleep, weight loss and lower health risk.

The final piece of gear that we utilized was a hula hoop. I thought that hula circles are fair a toy but it is also one of the most excellent equipment for work out. It makes a difference for us to burn calories and fats, progresses our balance, reinforces our core muscles and it helps to boost our cardiovascular wellness.

After those exercises that we did in our meeting. Our teacher told us to apply those exercises using those equipment in our upcoming PATHFIT. The university announced that the PATHFIT will be our final exam for our PE.

They give the announcement in the middle of April. We only have a short time left. Some of the students from different programs are now practicing and us on the other hand are still figuring and fighting about the music, outfits and schedule.

This conflict will always occur in our program everytime we need to work as a whole. This is the saddest part if there's no cooperation. You can't share your ideas because no one will listen. They only choose their preferred choice. In the end we will still settle for the bare minimum performance.

Me and Some of my classmates didn't have a choice but to be silent and practice on the other side.



One time our Class-Mayor decided to practice in Plaza Independencia because we can't practice inside the campus. It was full of different programs from first year to second year. We go there in a very hot delight. It was more tiring than the last time because our team leader pulled us out in a broad delight. We don't have the choice but to follow. Some of my classmates always fought during practice. Some of them have many demands but didn't show up to every school practice. I can't imagine that they still have the guts to complain about our setup.

We got mad because they always made mistakes and also it was very hot. Our head and the weather is extremely in rage. Still we did our best to not make any mistakes so that we couldn't be in the sun in a 40° Celsius heat index.


(Photo Credits to Ang Suga Publication)

Despite all of those fights, tiredness, dehydration and lack of time we still did our best to present our work on the stage. I could say that JOB WELL DONE! Those experiences will be added to my core memory. It was indeed an amusement ride. (hahahaha) Let's enjoy our fruit of labor!


(Photo Credits to my Classmate)

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