October, Month of Women Fighters 馃馃挆


Run the world (Girls) - Beyonc茅

Hiiiii!!! How've you been? I hope you have had a nice week and you can enjoy the coming weekend. As many of you may already know, October is the pink month, in which we celebrate all those fighting women who have been able to beat breast cancer.

Since last year I started attending a gym near my home, where I met wonderful women who have made me stay much longer than I had planned. As yesterday was October 19th,the International Breast Cancer Day, we took on the task of making a small celebration, doing a special class wearing pink.


If you look closely at the image, you will notice that we are wearing pink bows, made by my friend Mariluz. In addition, another of our colleagues, Elizabeth, was in charge of making pink bracelets to add to our outfit.



I look funny hahahahah


I love my friends from the gym. Yesterday we exercised until we couldn't take it anymore, celebrating that we are healthy women and thanking life for this incredible opportunity to be able to attend one more day of classes.

We are all different, we have different ages, different ways of thinking, different personalities, but yesterday we all came together to celebrate life.


Do it for you, it's important to catch it early

A special greeting to all those warrior women who have won the battle, and for those who are still on the battlefield, do not give up, you can handle that and much more.

Thanks for reading <3

Text and pictures: @valentina23 (pictures taken with Huawei Y6)
Translation into Spanish by: @valentina23



Run the world (Girls) - Beyonc茅

隆Hola!! 驴C贸mo has estado? Espero que hayas tenido una buena semana y puedas disfrutar del pr贸ximo fin de semana. Como muchos de ustedes ya sabren, octubre es el mes rosa, en el que celebramos a todas aquellas mujeres luchadoras que han sido capaces de vencer al c谩ncer de mama.

Desde el a帽o pasado empec茅 a asistir a un gimnasio cerca de mi casa, donde conoc铆 a mujeres maravillosas que me han hecho quedarme mucho m谩s tiempo del que ten铆a planeado. Como ayer fue 19 de octubre, D铆a Internacional del C谩ncer de Mama, nos dimos a la tarea de hacer una peque帽a celebraci贸n, haciendo una clase especial vestidas de rosa.


Si te fijas bien en la imagen, te dar谩s cuenta de que llevamos lazos rosas, hechos por mi amiga Mariluz. Adem谩s, otra de nuestras compa帽eras, Elizabeth, se encarg贸 de confeccionar pulseras rosas para a帽adir a nuestro outfit.



Me veo graciosa jajajajaj


Amo a mis amigas del gimnasio. Ayer hicimos ejercicio hasta que no pudimos m谩s, celebrando que somos mujeres sanas y agradeciendo a la vida por esta incre铆ble oportunidad de poder asistir un d铆a m谩s de clases.

Todas somos diferentes, tenemos diferentes edades, diferentes formas de pensar, diferentes personalidades, pero ayer todas nos reunimos para celebrar la vida.


Un saludo especial a todas aquellas mujeres guerreras que han ganado la batalla, y para las que a煤n est谩n en el campo de batalla, no se rindan, ustedes pueden con eso y mucho m谩s.

Gracias por leer <3

Texto e im谩genes: @valentina23 (fotos tomadas con Huawei Y6)
Traducci贸n al espa帽ol por: @valentina23


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