The Fallen Leaves

Namaskar / Hello to all hive users, who will reach this post. I hope you are doing great and having fun in your life and enjoying it with your loved ones.

we love to live our life we all did live with different-2 philosophies in our life. we all have our won ways to love some of us gives more importance to money some gives important to there family and relations and we all spend our entire life to full our need and get engaged with many things in our life. what we will take in the end???
Nothing a big zero of course we all are familiar with this but we still want to have all the things and keep collecting things 🙄.
we all know the truth but we still doing the same I have seen older people do visit holy places when they get old. If that is the way then why do we all have to stay and wait for long to go there ?
there is some thought that flowing to mind many times though what do you think about that do you believe there is another life after death do we get rewarded or punished what we will do here do you believe in all the things like this ?

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we can relate to the leaves of the tree the old one goes and the new one grows and they will get replaced by other this how the life is.
we are living the leave we grow and we fall like and they and we are then kind fo vanished peoples will remember us for a while but they forget us after a while and that is what happens this not new to us. How did you remember the ones you have lost ? we do remember their memories 😥 and slowly they all get faded as we do get old.

Death is the only truth

maybe we are learning in a simulation like the matrix movies who knows 🙄. or not maybe I really think a lot about what will be after the death you can surely find many posts and videos of this topic but they all are based on assumptions and some are from the mythology stories. Do you know any story like this ?

Thanks a lot for staying till the end, let me know what you think. 😄🙏🕉️⚛️

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful. 🙏😀

Thanks a lot for being here, let me know what you think.


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