Here are the 11 Winners of the 'May 2022 THGaming Community Posting Competition'!

THGaming Community Posting Challenge

Once again our Community Posting Challenge was dominated by #Splinterlands & #RisingStarGame posts, two firm favourites in the THGaming Community.

Apologies for announcing the winners a little later than usual, it's been a busy few weeks in @THGaming Guild; in case you haven't heard we Released our Whitepaper on the 1st of June 2022 and are now officially in 'Phase 2 of our Roadmap'.

But anyway enough Guild news, let's get to the Competition WINNERS!

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We had 18 entries into our last 'THGaming Community Posting Competition'.

Community members seriously upped their game for this challenge and choosing the Winning Posts was not an easy task !

Here are the 5 Main Prize Winners :

@cantfoldaces - 6.5 x $HIVE
@arcgspy - 3750 x $THGAMING
@splintercell-01 - 350 x $PIMP
@wazock - 10500 $STARBITS
@saachi - 1 x Splinterlands Chaos Legion Pack

Congratulations, your posts were outstanding! all prizes will be transferred within 48 hours.

6 x selected 'Runner Up' posts will receive 800 x $THGAMING Tokens each - names announced at the end.

Read on to check out their Winning Posts...

(1) 🏆 @splintercell-01 [ 350x $PIMP ]

'Splinterlands Guild Brawl Battles - Advantages of Having Gladius Cards'

splintercall may 2022.png

For this post, I am going to share to you guys my recent Guild Brawl Battles wherein my Battle Results are 6W 0L 0D. Let me also discuss the importance of having a Guild and Gladius Cards in Guild Brawls.

(2) 🏆 @saachi [ 1 x Splinterlands Chaos Legion Pack ]

'Splinterland's Battle Challenge : Cruel Sethropod.'

cruel seth ssachi.png

This week Splinterland's Battle challenge featured cruel Sethropod and actually I have not explored this card because my favourite card in Water tank is Spine back turtle and I hold gold foil of it.

(3) @cantfoldaces [ 6.5 x $HIVE ]

'Rising Star! My Journey! I wish I'd known this when starting the game.'

cantfold rising star.png

It's been some time since I didn't make a post so i'll use this opportunity to talk a bit about my journey in the rising star game and the stuff I learning during my little trip from an illegal busker to a Star!

(4) @arcgspy [ 3750 x $THGAMING ]

'Brawl Log and Gladius Pack Opening: May 26, 2022'


YGG Dragons are moving back to Tier 2 so more members can gain merits! In case you don't know what are the details for Tier 2 and its Frays, here's a list you could look at.

(5) @wazock [ 10500 x $STARBITS ]

'Diary of a Rock Star #1 ( A New Star is Born )'

waxock rockstar.jfif

Hello Hive community and Rising Star players, Welcome to my game diary where I will tell you my daily progress in the game.

🥈 Honorable Mentions (800 x $THGAMING tokens each)

The following 6 Posts by @falcout + @mcrahman91 + @lipe100dedos + @atbui89 + @kraaaaa + @michupa will receive 800 $THGAMING Tokens each.

It was not an easy decision and some of these posts could have easily ended up in the TOP 5. Keep posting in the THGaming community and we'll keep curating your amazing articles!

Splinterlands Footer.jpg


If your post does not appear here, please comment with a link to it and tag @jim-crypto. If I did miss any posts (due to cross-posting) I will be sure to count those in the next THGaming Community Challenge.


A Rising Star Pixel Art

LastCzar Log 37

Favorite missions, packs and more pizzas!! - Journey Progress

Splinterland's Battle Challenge : Cruel Sethropod.

@splintercell-01/splinterlands-guild-brawl-battles-advantages-of-having-gladius-cards Splinterlands Guild Brawl Battles - Advantages of Having Gladius Cards

@splintercell-01/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-cruel-sethropod SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! CRUEL SETHROPOD

[PT/EN] "Diablo Immortal" Realease - A overview on the game

Starting my Military District - Dcity

5 Things You should know before Competing in the Leaderboards.(BRONZE EDITION)

@mcrahman91/cruel-sethropod-mini-tanker-from-the-dark-water-or-battle-challenge-or-splinterlands - Cruel Sethropod - Mini Tanker From The Dark Water | Battle Challenge | Splinterlands

@cantfoldaces/rising-star-my-journey-i-wish-id-known-this-when-starting-the-game -
Rising Star! My Journey! I wish I'd known this when starting the game

NEW SEASSON and how is the distribution of CHESTS [PT/ENG]

Why I'm Bullish on Splinterlands

Weekly Battle Challenge : Cruel Sethropod!

Diary of a Rock Star #1 ( A New Star is Born )

My first experience on tournaments

Brawl Log and Gladius Pack Opening: May 26, 2022

We will be running more THGaming Hive Community and Social Media Competitions this month. Keep a look out on our Social Media accounts for competition announcements.

If you would like to join @THGaming and explore the #Metaverse with us, our Social Media links are below.


We are now curating #THGAMING #PIMP #LOLZ & #PGM tagged Posts. Be sure to include those Hashtags in your Gaming & Crypto Posts for continued upvotes!

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$THGAMING on Tribaldex

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