LastCzar Log 37


Hi Everyone

The last few days I have moved to different leagues based on either increasing my rating or increasing by renting power

5/22 I was in Bronze 2 league stuck on mid 600's rating trying to get over the hump to 700 rating. My daily task was to use Fire Splinter and when I got it done my lame reward was Legendry Potion

5/23 I got into Bronze 1 league before the daily quest to use Earth Splinter however I reward was Alchemy Potion I not sure if my rating was reflected correctly when the daily challenge was reset.

5/24 I finally got enough rating over 700 and decided to rent thru Peak Monster so I can get Silver 3 rewards. My daily task was Snipe power, I'm not a fan of the "base" characters that have it because there is not a wow factor in them anyways I got the job done and I'm getting two chests as my daily reward Alchemy Potion and Pelacor Conjurer

5/25 My second Silver 3 daily challenge was to use no neutrals this task is easy yet hard, I think they need to color code the neutrals a different color they are too close to Life Splinter and I won several matches that end up no completing the daily task. My reward was Alchemy Potion and Pelacor Conjurer

So both days I got the same reward Alchemy Potion and Pelacor Conjurer I'm curious what people are getting for Silver 3 rewards is it worth spending the DEC to get another chest that so far has to give something good?

One highlight match I want to show was a brawl match, it was funny that I very slowly won the match by working my way backwards from the back row with help of dodging multiple attacks

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