Brawl Log and Gladius Pack Opening: May 26, 2022


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YGG Dragons are moving back to Tier 2 so more members can gain merits! In case you don't know what are the details for Tier 2 and its Frays, here's a list you could look at.

Tier 2 Details:

Total Frays: 16
Guild Arena Level Requirement: 3 or 4
Guild Hall Level Requirement: 3 or 4

Fray Details:

  1. Regular Novice League
  2. Regular Bronze League
  3. Regular Novice League, Chaos Legion Only
  4. Regular Bronze League
  5. Regular Bronze League, Chaos Legion Only
  6. Regular Bronze League, Alpha & Beta Only
  7. Regular Silver League
  8. Regular Silver League
  9. Regular Silver League, Chaos Legion Only
  10. Regular Silver League, Untamed, Dice & Chaos Legion Only
  11. Regular Gold League
  12. Regular Gold League, Untamed, Dice & Chaos Legion Only
  13. Gold Foil Only Bronze League
  14. Gold Foil Only Bronze League, Untamed, Dice & Chaos Legion Only
  15. Gold Foil Only Silver League
  16. Gold Foil Only Silver League, Untamed, Dice & Chaos Legion Only

I took my usual spot, the second fray. I managed to secure 5 Wins for the guild and had 4 Loses because I didn't know some things. Let's take a look at each of them! You can view the video version of this on Youtube or just follow the links under each image.

Let's get on to the battles, shall we?

Battle 1:
šŸ”µ 25 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Reverse Speed, Rise of the Commons
Splinters: Fire vs Fire
Result: Loss


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

Do you know what made me lose this battle? I wasn't reading well. I thought the Bloodlust effect could speed Wallstop up and since this was a Reverse Speed match, I hesitated on picking him. Also note that that my Tenyii Striker and Scavo Hireling were in the wrong position. But then again, even if I did that, I'd still lose because FullCoverBetting is using Wallstop.

Battle 2:
šŸ”µ 23 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Back to Basics, Rise of the Commons
Splinters: Death vs Death
Result: Loss


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

This was a miscalculation. The Windeku was obviously a better option as a frontliner and the Dhampir Stalker wasn't really needed for this battle. I guess I wass really thrown off by the first match!

Battle 3:
šŸ”µ 46 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Target Practice, Earthquake
Splinters: Earth vs Earth
Result: Loss


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

Now that I look at it, I wonder if I could've had a chance if I used a Scavo Hireling and a Regal Peryton in here. I must've thought I was clever enough with the Quora but that Queen Mycelia sure had me crying...

Battle 4:
šŸ”µ 24 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Holy Protection, Noxious Fumes
Splinters: Earth vs Earth
Result: Win


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

This is one of the rule sets where Quora shines - well more like cards with Heal, but for this matter, let's give her the spotlight! Along with Quora, having the Mycelic Slipspawn to taunt any sneaky, opportunistic folks is handy. The Morphoid and the Fiend here are just there to fill some holes.

Battle 5:
šŸ”µ 14 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Healed Out, Spreading Fury
Splinters: Earth vs Water
Result: Win


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

I found this match funny as it was both disgusting and entertaining to watch. Letting Quora run a one woman show was very tempting but I threw my Fungus Fiend in there just in case it could save my ass.

Battle 6:
šŸ”µ 17 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Unprotected, Explosive Weaponry
Splinters: Earth vs Water
Result: Win


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

Again, Quora is good enough to handle the pressure of facing 4 enemies as long as she can heal herself!

Battle 7:
šŸ”µ 34 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Earthquake, Reverse Speed
Splinters: Earth vs Earth
Result: Loss


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

What's a good way to counter Quora? Someone with Affliction. I wasn't expecting to bump into any of these Doctor Blights but hey, Tier 2. Pius82 has a clear advantage over here as they have the Slipspawn on too.

Battle 8:
šŸ”µ 32 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Earthquake
Splinters: Earth vs Earth
Result: Loss


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

Queen Mycelia is definitely a royalty here. The extra shields she provided to her team helped them live through the earthquakes and Grund dished out the damage needed.

Battle 9:
šŸ”µ 20 Mana
šŸ“œ Rule Set/s: Close Range, Keep Your Distance
Splinters: Death vs Life
Result: Win


Watch the replay on Splinterlands or Youtube

I recently realized that the Death splinter has nice ranged damage dealers. The Riftwing also has a nice amount of HP and with the Scavenger ability, it could survive a bit longer than these Light enemies. Whistling Damon is also great for battles with low mana caps. This was a good run.

With another 1,500 Merits in my pocket, I bought 2 Gladius Cases. Of course I opened them and look at these! I got my first Xulax Nightwind and a rare Relenor Cleaver among everything else.

Hope you've learned something from this Brawl Log just as how I have had a few realizations as well. If you have any suggestions and tips, I'd love to hear them too!

Thanks for stopping by and see you next brawl!

YGG Splinterlands' goal is to empower players to be successful in the ecosystem. If you are a player who has invested in their decks and looking for a guild or, a guild that's looking to get into the YGGSPL Alliance, hop on our Discord server!
Arc (arcgspy)

Arc likes to play games on and off the blockchain when she's not lurking around Hive.
She currently plays Valorant, 7 Days to Die, Rising Star and Splinterlands among other games.
Do come over her Twitch stream around 8AM UTC to chill or participate in occasional giveaways!

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