Rising Star! My Journey! I wish I'd known this when starting the game.

Silver First Quest(21).png

It's been some time since I didn't make a post so i'll use this opportunity to talk a bit about my journey in the rising star game and the stuff I learning during my little trip from an illegal busker to a Star!

Rising Star?

It's a P2E game where you can earn for free or invest some to boost your progress to stardom.

The reason I didn't start earlier is it did seem too complicated at first, but once you get the hang of the essence of the game, everything becomes so simple!

I would recommand to follow @ravenmus1c Rising Star Guides being one of Cartel Operators.
Most posts/guides can be found under this Post

My progress & Earnings


As of 01/06/2022
Fans from Cards280
Drunk Fans34
Total Missions187

While I'm not the most active player, I'm pretty satisfied to have reached level 22 in a span of a month and keeping my Ego at 0% to gain the highest possible STARBITS rewards.

Up to date, I've gained around 20,000 STARBITS or 5.7 Hive at todays price (1 STARBITS = 0.00028 HIVE)


I wish I'd known this when starting the game

  • Don't buy packs: I would consider it as my first mistake as I purchased 10,000 STARBITS for the market an bought a pack where I got 2 common cards and one rare drum card.
  • With 10,000 STARBITS, you can purchase:
    • PIZZA SLICE that resets your energy to 100% after consumption and goes into 24 hours cooldown OR
    • Cards with 100+ fans that'll boost your STARBITS rewards and allows to take part in more missions
  • Balance your EGO: More Ego => Less Starbits
    • You need more Skill than Fans
    • It's done through Music lessons
  • Level up: the more you level up, the more missions you'll unlock (offering higher rewards): Music lessons gives the highest XP per mission!
  • Invest a bit: NOT financial advice but allocating a part of your posts earnings to buy starbits and get new cards will make your progress much faster!


Who doesn't want to be a Millionaire !? STARBITS Millionaire should be my focus on the long term and I need: 1,000,0000 STARBITS + Reach LEVEL 50 ... A long way to go !

Short term: Keep doing Music lesson, get some Guitar Cards for more Skill rewards.
Be on the lookout for some cheap +100 fans cards.

Thank you for reading until now I hope this post can come in handy to some players who are willing to start this game. Have fun!

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