Tolerance is not the same as accepting everything

Tolerance is a fundamental virtue in a diverse and plural society, but it is important to remember that tolerance does not mean accepting everything without question. Tolerance means respecting the differences, opinions and ways of life of others, even when we do not share them. However, this does not imply that we should accept any behavior or idea without discernment.

Tolerance is based on mutual respect and the belief that all people have the right to their own beliefs and ways of life. It means being able to live peacefully with those who think differently from us, without resorting to violence or discrimination. Tolerance allows us to live in harmony despite our differences, recognizing the dignity and value of each individual.

But tolerance is not synonymous with indifference or passive acceptance. It means being willing to listen to and understand the points of view of others, even if we don't share them. It means being open to dialogue and the exchange of ideas, always seeking mutual and respectful understanding.

However, tolerance has its limits. We cannot tolerate what violates fundamental human rights, the dignity of people or justice. We cannot tolerate intolerance, discrimination, violence or hatred. Tolerance does not mean giving carte blanche to all types of behavior, but rather establishing clear and firm limits in defense of the fundamental values of a democratic and plural society.

Therefore, tolerance is not the same as accepting everything. It means respecting differences and living peacefully with diversity, but it also means defending the values and principles that we consider fundamental. Tolerance invites us to be open and understanding, but also to be firm and committed to what we believe in. It is a virtue that enriches us as individuals and strengthens us as a society.


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