INCOME Synergy Fund Membership Community

When you have been building as long as we have, you learn a thing or two! Come along and be apart of an exclusive and successful Synergistic Node of builders on HIVE blockchain.

This is another attempt to write a comprehensive post about INCOME token, which is a fun hedge fund which I run based on HIVE. I have been doing it so long that it used to be based on STEEM, and over the years it has grown in both scale and scope.

The Historical Documents:

Its Rewarding to Hold INCOME!
More Income, More Hands
Membership Token and Curation Report
Hive-Engine Portfolio Analysis Q4 2022
Positioning for Q4
Q3 2022 Update
INCOME token stronger than ever - NEW ABV calculations
Roadmap Complete!
Update to Linear Divvies
Fund Portfolio Update March 10, 2022
PsyberX Fund position Update
Fund automation projects and New Roadmap
Fund Portfolio Update October 6, 2021
Fund Reorg, final swaps from STEEM

Summary by example

Synergy means working together, forging win-win relationships and deals. One of our premier partners is HIVE SBI, a votebond program that has helped anchor our relationships with and within HIVE in place.

Engaging in strategic HIVE SBI votebond ('units') swaps strengthens all participants involved, and increases their stake in the HIVE ecosystem. It is basically a privately managed SIP, for those of you familiar with the term popularized by @3speak.

Each project on HIVE should also be increasing their HP, together we grow as a class, a growing middle class of dolphins and orcas.

Unfortunately we were not able to pass a funding proposal for additional liquidity for the SWAP.BUSD:SWAP.HBD pool. This was my first try at a proposal, aimed to benefit the whole ecosystem (and involving zero pay for me I might add). But I was happy to notice that we did come quite close, about 2/3, managing to pass the return proposal but not the HBD stabilizer vacuum proposal. And I now know for sure that in a year or two more, this booming middle class of HIVE users will start to become unstoppable.

This is how decentralized systems should work. The INCOME Synergy Fund has been leveraging into this for years. And we are still growing.

58 cent upvote!

That's right, members' fresh posts (and reblogs) are being rewarded with curation. Most people cannot post everyday, which is why we have included reblogs. Get your friends' and lovers' posts voted!

Top selection of the day will win a HIVE SBI unit.


One of the top things to do on our roadmap is to (once again) improve our daily post. Continuous iterative improvement is what has lead us here. We also host the twice-weekly dCity digest and the Sanitorium Society dividend report, currently about 3 times a month.

As it stands, our post is very good at one thing - for at least 2 hours after publishing, it is full of freshly selected and curateable posts from around the HIVE blockchain. It comes out at 9am my time, and this is what I use it for. It is what our vote curates, and I am looking to link in the curation of other member projects (like loColombia) into the voting trail.

We will only continue to get stronger, and will continue to strengthen our position in HIVE during this phase of the cycle. We have been around the block long enough to understand something about timing. This doesn't make us perfect, far from it; it makes us aware.

100 projects in 1

A lot of people seem to think that I do a lot of different things, such as in this love letter from @summertooth:


I was really touched by this comment - "Yes, he gets it!" I said to myself. The only detail that I would add, is that this is all the same activity, one that I work hard at, and that action is what I do with the INCOME Synergy Fund. Its something like:

Collaborate with Hive projects in such a way that everyone benefits.

While this hasn't always been the case, I built my position here over years, I feel that I 'work full-time on HIVE'. The better things go for HIVE, the better they go for me. And one thing HIVE needs is successful projects.

I run the @locolombia hive-engine witness Vote for me!, and we are currently giving away a diesel pool, go nominate a token pair you think would benefit the ecosystem.

Making successful projects take a lot of work. I recently came in to help @psyberX, and I wished I had stepped up to help them sooner, although I did my best to help integrate them into our complicated community and network even at that time, and later even made them an onboarding guide to HIVE Keychain. Later I stepped up to help with Myria Integration and some business development work. A successful @psyberx would be good for HIVE and thus for me, even if I didn't own any of their game assets. That's my theory anyway (and it has worked out for us so far).

INCOME available at 10

Right now we are selling through our newest mint of 1000 INCOME, there are 303.6 tokens left at 10, meaning there are now 10696.4 INCOME tokens in circulation.


This sale has gone particularily well, and we hope we can see it through to its conclusion. Many of the tokens have been purchased by me, @ecoinstant, and I continue to be the largest holder in my own fund, just the way I like it.

All the sales have continued to be powered up into the @ecoinstats fund account, which still makes a nice portion of its dividend cashflow from delegations.


Apart from pretty great votes, which continue to get better, we have also made some very nice tweaks over the last months. Our daily dividends are now at ~8.8% apr at 10 HIVE price, for those of you who bought and held at a cheaper HIVE price, your apr numbers will be even better.


This richlist determines the curation digest each day, we go down the list until we can find 11 fresh posts less than 22 hours old. As our vote and richlist grows, we will likely grow this number slowly as well.

Synergistic Membership Club

That is what we are building, and I want to invite you to be a part of it. For those of you who are long term members, I hope this post can be useful to show others who might be interested.

We will continue to try to expand the fund, we are a very small fund with less than 11,000 tokens currently, so I feel very confident about continuing to expand at this moment as fast as the market can bear. We will continue to grow our HIVE power and be slow and deliberate with our Hive-Engine investments.

Auto-vote risks and trading example:

It recently was a concern that we maybe were using too many autovotes, and this could attract unwanted attention and energy. With this in mind we did make a number of adjustments, and will continue to do so as we see fit moving forward. Likely I should write another post about getting votes, as this is a topic of great interest to people coming to HIVE.

No longer can we use every vote method at the same time, its just yielding too much results, and the top voter was @brofi. So we had to take the decision to short BRO between 8 and 12, not necessarily because we really wanted to, but because the vote was just too powerful for our humble automation project.

This can cause as much problems for BRO team as it can for us! So we will continue to be careful about that. (But we will definitely buy BRO back cheaper later on if possible).


All the posts I make, all the projects I help, all the work I do and all the fun I have - in a sense its all part of the same thing. Its a type of energy - SYNERGY - that comes from mutual support and positive growth.

If you are interested in getting involved, buy some INCOME tokens or get in touch with @ecoinstant.

Freedom and Friendship

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