WIN a HIVE-ENGINE diesel pool for your project!

As a Christmas present to the whole community, @locolombia, my hive-engine witness, donated a diesel pool to the @psyberX community (LVL:SWAP.ETH). This pool has been enormously successful for them in ways that will become more obvious as time goes on.

It has made such a difference for them that now I want to give away another one! @locolombia is under the umbrella of the INCOME Synergy Fund of projects - we continue to invest and support, earning by helping.

Diesel pools cost 1000 BEE, about 340 HIVE at time of posting, and while it is easy to imagine that not all pools imaginable would be worth this much to create, it is clear that some pools out there bring MUCH more value to the ecosystem than 340 HIVE cost.

I want to know what your proposals for these 'most valuable pools'. First we will have a nomination period, then I will open up a vote to INCOME token holders to express their opinions on which among the list would bring the most value. So take a look at your bags and give us some suggestions of which projects could use this boost!


The reason that the LVL:SWAP.ETH pool works so well, is that is forms a triangle between the previously existing Swap.HIVE:LVL pool and the massive SWAP.ETH:SWAP.HIVE pool. This allows robots to arbitrage all trades and not only help keep the price more stable, but also generate fees for liquidity pool providers.

@psyberX is focusing all the rewards on the Swap.HIVE:LVL pool, but the LVL:SWAP.ETH is filled with so-called corporate liquidity, which can stablize the price and earn fees, while being a save place to store corporate warchest. They aim to become another premier bridge between HIVE and other chains through their omni-chain ambitions, so they were a natural selection to support.

What diesel pool will make your project soar?

What pool will bring the most value to HIVE? You will have to convince me! And speaking of convincing -


So in the glorious traditional spirit of "What have you done for me lately?", I will need to be more verbose with my work, and how it supports hive-engine. Our @locolombia hive-engine witnesses is a top validator, and has been as high as rank 3, although its now down to number 19.

You can vote for @locolombia on this tool here, don't worry about how much staked workerbee you have, I appreciate it all the same. You can see all the information here as well:

The truth is, I only tolerate politics. But no matter what happens, @ecoinstant and the INCOME Synergy Fund will continue to provide value, and alpha, by supporting and nurturing our community of projects towards success.

Contest rules:

  1. Write a Post
  2. Leave link to Post on this Post
  3. Deadline February 28th (to propose)
    a. Explain the project (with links)
    b. Explain what the pool would be and how it would help
    c. Give any additional details, like how this would affect HIVE.

Give this post a share with someone who you might think would find this valuable - I know there are a lot of people building out there and I want to get to know them. Help me out for some upvote support. All valid proposals should get some upvotes.

Get to work!

Just over 10 days to get your nomination in, don't dally, opportunities like this don't come around but once in a great while.

Freedom and Friendship!

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