Its rewarding to hold INCOME token!

Slowly but surely we are creeping our way into the next phase of INCOME token, a Membership Club with many different benefits. We have been working for over four years to get to this point, and I am quite happy to be here.

Check out our back catalog of updates if you are one of those 'deep-divers' type of people:

More Income, More Hands
Membership Token and Curation Report
Hive-Engine Portfolio Analysis Q4 2022
Positioning for Q4
Q3 2022 Update
INCOME token stronger than ever - NEW ABV calculations
Roadmap Complete!
Update to Linear Divvies
Fund Portfolio Update March 10, 2022
PsyberX Fund position Update
Fund automation projects and New Roadmap
Fund Portfolio Update October 6, 2021
Fund Reorg, final swaps from STEEM


So there has been a big update, a huge update. The INCOME Synergy Fund has minted another 1000 tokens and has listed them for sale at 10 HIVE. This price is provisional, we cannot sell these for less than our ABV, which has been a bit volatile lately based on some of our trades. For now its around 9.3 per token, and I am keeping a close watch on it.


I will be powering up all the sales into HIVE POWER. As of the time of writing we have already sold 190, and powered up ~1900 HP. There will be no dilution, just strict expansion of the fund.

Dilution would happen if I were to mint new tokens and give them away - this would be more tokens sharing the same number of assets. But if we sell them at a price that reflects the assets, slightly over the ABV, no dilution is possible, ipso facto.

Why should we buy INCOME tokens?

We have great benefits for members, like featuring your posts each day in our curation guide, including an upvote and a chance to win a HIVE SBI unit. Even if you don't post, you can reblog a worthy article and earn it an upvote and a chance to win a HIVE SBI unit!

We choose 11 fresh posts each day, so your chance to be featured improves with each INCOME you hold and varies daily by the posting habits of other accounts ahead of you in the richlist.

Our vote is ~18 cents and growing, and as it does grow we will consider including additional posts (and prizes!) in our daily curation report. But this vote increasingly offers a really nice apr boost to holding smaller numbers of INCOME token, like 20. Placing oneself on the richlist to achieve the most out of this benefit is a matter of game theory, and will be constantly changing - an element that we have brought back from our original SBI-unit lottery style rewards way back in ancient history.

Sharing is caring

Remember that because we are including Reblogs, you can hold INCOME as part of a group or fund, and reblog member posts and get them featured, with votes, and chance to get an SBI unit.

Thanks to @tokenpimp and @enginewitty for asking me about this feature, and thanks to @melinda010100 for already using it so effectively!

Future fund expansion:

We are going to continue. Not only is our trading portfolio well positioned, we also have some clear ways to expand the membership services we are offering, the easiest of which is to simply increase the size of the vote.

But I want to take a minute and give a shout out to HIVE - where transactions are fast and free. In the rest of the world, poorly managed funds manage funds poorly:

Hilarious but true. Beware what is too big in a decentralized space, often nothing more than a target and an invitation to fail hugely instead of failing smally. We are still 'practicing' with these new technologies. It would be foolish to bet the farm on not failing, at least at this point. There is likely more failure to come, but we are all failing forward in this space.

Those of us who haven't yet been liquidated completely.

Daily Curation plus Rewards:

INCOME also pays out daily HIVE dividends, making it a good addition to other HIVE based funds, several of which have caught on to this:


We are still in the early growth phase. But we are growing organically and steadily. We will see how long the bear market lasts, and how skillful we are in both bear market trading as well as expansion of new sales.

The goal of continued responsible growth will lead to an increasingly capable partner with which to support projects with, yielding a virtuous cycle that I am quite proud of. A few more successful compounding cycles seem to extrapolate a potentious future for the fund.

Report Expansion:

Over the course of Q1 of this year, and also depending on sales (which will be powered up), we will be tempering the increase in HP with an increase in the number of posts featured per day. Right now its 11, we raise it likely to 13 before the end of the quarter. This will naturally increase the depth that the rewards will reach to on the richlist.

If you are convinced you want to be a part of this multi-faceted entertainment/investment membership club, buy some INCOME tokens today on your favorite hive-engine UI like for example this one.

Freedom and Friendship

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