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Njabulo:life is hard. I wish I was as lucky as you.
Mvelo:what's hard about getting a job? You have a good academic record. Companies should be fighting for you.
Njabulo:don't believe that. It's all lies. Do you know how hard it is to watch my woman do things for me?
Mvelo:you've hit a jackpot there. If it was someone they would have left already. When things work out for you show her how grateful you are and spoil her. She deserves it.
Njabulo:she does.

Mvelo looked at him and cleared his throat.

Mvelo:I have a plan.
Njabulo:in a situation that I'm in I can accept anything.
Mvelo:the gents and I are planning something.
Njabulo:don't start. I've already told you that I'm not joining you in your crimes.
Mvelo:listen. You can drive. We just need a driver and that's it. It's just an in and out job. You'll make enough to marry your woman and pay damages. Isn't that what you want? Then going forward you will see what to do.
Njabulo:I have bad luck. I might just get arrested and ruin your mission.
Mvelo:just think about it and give me a call. I will pay the bill.

He calls the waiter and pay then leaves. Njabulo sighs and finishes his food. He gets up and walks out. He takes out his wallet and checks how much he has. At least he has R20 to get home. He took his phone and called Madison.

Njabulo:hey. It's Njabulo.
Madison:oh. I even forgot that I gave you my number.
Njabulo:how are you? Are you still at campus?
Madison: I'm fine. I'm at res now.
Njabulo:can I see you?
Madison:why? I'm sure your wife is waiting for you at home.
Njabulo:is that your way of wanting to know if I am married?

She laughed.

Njabulo: Simphiwe I asked you a question.
Madison:who told you that name?
Njabulo:let's not talk about that. Can I see you? I'm not married. Even if it's just for a minute.
Madison:wait for me at the gate. I was about to go and get something at the plaza.
Njabulo:okay. You'll find me waiting for you.

He walked to her res. When he got there he waited for her at the gate. He smiled when he saw her approaching. She got to him and he hugged her.

Madison:how did you know my other name?
Njabulo:I'll tell you some other day. So how was your day?
Madison:it was good. Just tired of walking around campus. At least I only have like three months till I'm done with my final year.
Njabulo:so you will be starting with your exams soon?
Madison:yes. I love school but I've been studying for so many years. Four years in university. I'm really happy that I'm leaving this place.
Njabulo:so you won't be coming back here?
Madison:I will. I'll be traveling with my parents for a year then come back after.
Njabulo:so I won't see you? That's not good.
Madison:you're so funny. You're acting like you'll be heart broken when I leave. We don't know each other.

He stopped and held her hands. He looked at her and she looked down.

Njabulo:I would like to get to know you.
Madison:something in me is telling me that I'm going to regret this. And I'm never wrong. Are you sure you are not married?

He showed her his left hand.

Njabulo:do you see a mark here?
Madison:no. But if you're serious about getting to know each other you will wait for me for a year. I won't be here. So it's up to you.
Njabulo:I will wait for you.

She looked at him stocked. She didn't think he was going to say that. He'll wait for a year?

Madison:why don't I believe you?
Njabulo:I will wait for you. Just believe me. Anyway, you are still here for three months. We can see each other, right?

She nodded. They got to the shops and she got everything she wanted then they went back to res.

Madison:Thank you for helping me.
Njabulo:it was nice spending time with you.

He loved how he felt when he was around her. He forgot about his troubles whenever he was around her. They didn't have to even do anything. Just talk and take a walk. That brought him peace. And he promised not to cheat on his girlfriend. That's what he was going to do. If or when he wants something serious woth Madison he would have to talk to his girlfriend. But he's not going to do that anytime soon. He will just keep things as they are. Remain as friends.

Njabulo:I will call you.
Madison:okay. Thank you once again. You really helped me.
Njabulo:it's nothing. I have to go now. Next time I see you I will give you something.

He hugged her for a little while then let go. She walked away. When he saw her enter the building he left.


The offer that Mvelo made hasn't left his head. He is still thinking about it. He met Mvelo and their other friends at varsity. After their varsity days they recruited him to join them. They did heists. The money was tempting. But the thought of being caught and going to jail made him refuse. He didn't want a criminal record to his name. But here he is thinking about it.

He opened the drawer and took out the little box. He unlocked it and took out the letter that was in there. He started reading. This one he had never read it before. He only knew about the document of title deed. He put the document down and took out the title deed. The house belonged to him and his mother. He has a child on the way. He can't expect their child to not have a place to stay. Nomzamo's parents won't allow their daughter to stay in a shack. Maybe it's time he changes everything.

He got up and walked out. He locked the shack and walked to his aunt's place. When he got there the gate wasn't locked. The house was one of the best in their street. His father had done a good job. It was big. Four bedrooms,two bathrooms, even had a pool! His father really wanted the best for him and his mother. His aunt always told him that his mother was a homewrecker and that's why she was killed. But he didn't hold that against her. He chose to remember the good memories he had with his parents before they left this world.

"What are you doing here? I'm asking because you've never come here ever since you moved out years ago."

Njabulo:dumela auntie. Ke batla go bua le wena.(I want to talk to you.)
Aunt:wa re o batla eng yanong?(what do you want now?)
Njabulo:ntlu yame.(my house.)
Aunt:ntlu ya gago? Go rileng o tlile fa?(your house? Why did you come here?)
Njabulo:auntie,I want you out of here. I don't have a job, I have a child on the way and that child needs his home.
Aunt:is it my fault that you don't have a home?
Njabulo:I do have a home. I want you out by tomorrow morning. Don't take anything in here. Just take your clothes and leave. My mother's money bought all of these things. Furniture, whatever that you use here. All of them.
Aunt:I'm not going anywhere.
Njabulo:do the right thing auntie. Or ke tle le mapodisa? I'm sure they would love to know who poisoned my aunt. They know she was poisoned. Just that they don't know who did it. I have evidence. Try me auntie. Try me.(or should I come with the police?)
Aunt:you're really kicking me out after I raised you?
Njabulo:it was not even five years. I moved out of here at 13. Don't make me call the police. Move out. And if something happens to me someone has that evidence. They will hand it over to the police.

He left. At least he tried. Now he was just waiting for her to move out so he could move in. He will rent out the shack. It's big. He can get a reasonable amount of rent. There are a lot of people who are looking for places to stay. At the end of the day he could find a tenant.

His phone. He picked.

Njabulo:my love, I was about to call you.
Nomzamo:oh okay.
Njabulo:I have good news. Tomorrow I'm moving to my house.
Nomzamo:your aunt left?
Njabulo:I asked her to move out. She's moving out tomorrow. Then I will rent out this shack and get something out of it.
Nomzamo:that's a good idea babe. I wanted to invite you to our event. It's this weekend.
Njabulo:let's not anger your parents.
Nomzamo:please babe. It would be nice to have you here. I will handle my parents.
Njabulo:okay. I will be there.
Nomzamo:thank you! Thank you so much! I can't wait to see you.
Njabulo:me too.
Nomzamo:I wish I could be there tomorrow to help you move out.
Njabulo:no. We don't want anything happening to Nqubeko, right? I will manage. So how is he treating you?

They spoke for a while then the call ended. Njabulo started packing his things. He was going to move in immediately after his aunt moves out. He couldn't wait to just be in his home and relax. Just to relax without his aunt saying things that would just ruin his mood.

His phone rang and he sighed. This guy told him he could take his time and think then call him after. But he's calling again.

Mvelo:the job is happening on Friday. What do you say?
Njabulo:I don't know man. I have a child on the way. I don't want to die and leave my child fatherless.
Mvelo:you will be working with professionals. There'll be no mistake.
Njabulo:what if I die? What will happen to my child?
Mvelo:I will be there with you. I will make sure that no harm comes to you. We are only left with a driver and I'm just trying to help you.
Njabulo:how much is it going to be?
Mvelo:you'll get 100k. It's just a day's work.
Njabulo:no thank you. This is my life that we are talking about. I'll be taking a risk. How many people are in this job?
Mvelo:you'll be the fourth one.
Njabulo:I want 10% of whatever you are getting. Take it or leave it.
Mvelo:let me talk to the others and hear what they say.
Njabulo:I'll hear from you.

He put his phone down and sighed. He didn't know if he was doing the right thing or not. But he had to do whatever it took to get access to his child. When he turned he found George looking at him.

George:I see you've forgotten about what I told you about prison. Do you want to find yourself there?
Njabulo:it's just a once off thing.
George:that's how it starts. The money will tempt you. Then you'll keep on going back. Do you think those people you'll be with will help you when you get caught? They will leave you there. They won't help or bail you out. This is their profession. It's your first time.
Njabulo:I'm just going to be a driver. Nothing else.
George:can you drive faster than people who are used to this? It's not just going to be you and your friends in that job. Others are also doing the same thing. You don't even know how to use a gun. If you want to go to jail or die then go ahead and do it.
Njabulo:this is the only way I can pay damages for my child and marry his mother.

George clicked his tongue and sat down.

George:is this love making you do this or you are marrying her for your baby? Just be honest with yourself. Don't get yourself in trouble just to do what these people want you to do. It's not like you're just sitting here and doing nothing. You're trying. If she loves you she will understand your situation and talk to her parents to give you time. Life behind bars is not something I would wish on anyone. Cancel whatever plans you made with that person on the phone. That person is not your friend. If he was he wouldn't recruit you to join his crimes.
Njabulo:how am I going to take care of my child...
George:didn't you hear what I said? Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself what you want then decide what to do.
Njabulo:what if the things I want are impossible to get?
Njabulo:what if I want to be with Madison too? But I can't be with her. The circumstances don't allow me. Nomzamo is pregnant. She has been there for me this whole year and has done so much for me. She has shown me love. I can't lose that.
George:so you will stay just for the sake of your baby and what this woman has done for you? Here's my advice because I know you won't do what I tell you. Don't date these women at the same time. If you want to stay for the sake of your baby and the love you have for the mother, let Madison go. Stay in a relationship you are not happy in and stay away from Madison. Or maybe you are happy. Then that's good. You don't want to cause trouble. Cheating is going to get you in trouble.
Njabulo:you are right. I know what to do but my heart won't let me do it.

George went to open the door and a man walked in.

George:I saw that you really need to find your family and you don't have money to pay for a PI.
Njabulo:how will I pay?
George:you always help me so I'm just doing the same. Give him your father's details. He'll get back to you in a week's time.
Njabulo:thank you so much.
George:just promise me that you will not get into things that are not good. I've been there. It's not a good path to take.
Njabulo:I promise.


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