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Njabulo:baby stop calling every hour. I told you that I'm coming. I won't change my mind.
Nomzamo:I'm outside.
Njabulo:outside? I'm coming.

It was the day of the event. And there was still more time before the event started. So he was surprised that she came so early.

He walked out and unlocked for her. She drove in and parked in front of the house. Then she walked to him.

Nomzamo:wow. This place is so beautiful.
Njabulo:you love it?
Njabulo:I'm ready. I just have to change.
Njabulo:and after the event I'll take you out. I haven't done that in a while. It's always you planning these dates.

He picked her up and walked to the house. He got in and put her on the couch.

Nomzamo:babe I can walk.
Njabulo:I don't want you to get tired.
Nomzamo:haibo. It's just walking. I won't fall.
Njabulo:you know, once I find my family I'm going to pay for the damages.
Nomzamo:you have no idea how happy that makes me. But,you don't have to rush. I'm not going anywhere.
Njabulo:your father is a difficult man. He won't let me see my child. I also know that you sneaked out to come here.
Nomzamo:it doesn't matter. As long as I see you then everything is fine.
Njabulo:thank you.

When they arrived at the company they walked in hand in hand. It was full. A lot of people came. The event had already started. They went and took their seats. One of the waiters came to them.

Waiter:maam,your father is calling you. He says you should join them on their table.

She took a hesitant Njabulo's hand and went to their table. He pulled out a chair for her then also sat.

Dad:Nomzamo, meet Clint. He's the son of one of our client. He's an accountant. I've been telling him about you and the work you do for this company.
Nomzamo:nice meeting you. This is Njabulo Khumalo,my fiance and the father of my baby.
Dad:Nomzamo now is not the time.
Nomzamo:sorry dad.
Dad:boy,you are not going to marry my daughter. With what money when you sleep in a shack? When you look at yourself, do you see anyone who's in your league here?

When he was about to speak he heard someone speak next to him. He turned and looked at them. He froze.

Man:good day.

He sat down. Njabulo couldn't stop looking at him. The woman he was with raised her head and froze. Njabulo smiled. She took a glass of water and drank.

Nomzamo:are you fine babe?
Dad:can you take your shack man away from here?
Njabulo: Sir,I may stay in a shack but at least I have some humanity. You know, that shack you are talking about, It's a home to me. It's better because I have a roof over my head. Not all of us are fortunate enough to stay in fancy houses. You've been judging me ever since I arrived here. Even the first day we met you judged me. You know, I respect you. I know better than to disrespect others. I would have left the moment you started calling me names. But for the mother of my child, I will tolerate you calling me names until this event is over.
Dad:Nomzamo leave now!

Njabulo looked at the man that had just walked in and got up and started walking out. Nomzamo got up to follow him. Her mother held her hand.

Nomzamo:mama I have to go to him.
Mom:come home after dropping him off. We need to talk.

She walked out to look for him. She found him leaning on her car.

Nomzamo:babe,I know dad just talks without thinking about the other person. But please don't run away again. I get worried not knowing where you went.
Njabulo:that man who was looking at me when he arrived,who is he?
Nomzamo:what man?
Njabulo:the one who arrived with that woman.
Nomzamo:I think he's that woman's husband. I only know the woman. Her name is Sthokozile Dlomo.
Njabulo:not Khumalo?
Nomzamo:no. Babe what's going on?
Njabulo:I need to get home.

She unlocked the car and gave him the keys. They got in and he drove off.

Nomzamo:why are you asking about Mrs Dlomo?
Njabulo:do you know how it hurts to be a rich man living a poor life? That's me.
Nomzamo:what do you mean?
Njabulo:that woman is living life with my inheritance. She killed my parents. I know what I'm talking about. I may have never known her for long. But she is the one who came with the people who fetched my dad.
Nomzamo:what if your dad didn't leave you anything?
Njabulo:everything my dad had belongs to me. I read a letter from my grandmother. She said before my mother was killed she told her that dad put everything that he owned into my name.
Nomzamo:babe stay away from that woman. She's not to be messed with. If she had your parents killed think about what she might do to you. You are lucky you survived. You want our baby to grow up without a father?
Njabulo:I've suffered and it's enough. I'm going after what's mine. She's spending Khumalo money on a Dlomo.
Nomzamo:I see I'm not going to be able to convince you not to do this.
Njabulo:I only have you on my side. My family might hate me. I don't know how they will receive me when I find them. But I know you wouldn't betray me. Right? If your mother or father asks you something about me please don't say anything. Maybe they know about my parents since that woman is their friend. You can say I'm a Khumalo but not Nqubeko's son.
Nomzamo:it's too late for that. I always call our baby Nqubeko. They will add one aand one together and get an answer.
Njabulo:eish. I don't know. But don't say anything about me owning my dad's things. I just need to find the documents that have everything in black and white. Since you know them,you might know where they work. I need to go there.

Nomzamo looked at him. He was serious about this. Yes she wanted him to have something for himself, a good job and a good life. But not like this. Not this way. Putting his life in danger?
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That woman could kill him too.

When they got home he parked the car in the garage and they walked to the living room. He warmed the food they got on the way and dished.

Njabulo:here's your food.

She looked at him. He sighed and put it down. He pulled up her dress and kissed her belly. He look up at her and smiled. He pulled it down.

Njabulo:babe,I promised that you and our baby would never lack anything. And that's what I'm going to stick to.
Nomzamo:does it have to include fighting that woman? I'm scared! What if she comes after me too?
Njabulo:I'm not only doing this for myself. I'm doing this for my parents. For you and our baby. For my little sister.
Nomzamo:little sister?
Njabulo:yes. My mother was pregnant when that woman killed her. You see why I'm doing this? That woman sent someone to kill all of us. I survived and I'm not letting her get away with it. I will find that company myself.
Nomzamo:promise me you will be safe. I worry about you.
Njabulo:I promise. Let's eat. Then you can watch your shows.


The following day Njabulo drove Nomzamo home then came back with a bolt. When he passed by Hatfield he felt like seeing Madison. But he promised himself to forget about her. Three months is nothing. It will go by very fast then she will leave. Getting involved with her will only make him lose his family. And that's not what he wants.

When he got home he found George with the PI. He was surprised because he thought it would take exactly a week. He let them in.

Njabulo:sorry for keeping you waiting. I had taken my woman home.
PI:we haven't been here for long. So here's what I've found. The address, the family,even your father's wife who stays around this province. She's a Dlomo now.
Njabulo:thank you so much.
PI:and her husband is the one who killed your parents. He was a hitman. So be careful. Also,your family were looking for you some time ago.
Njabulo:they didn't want to find me. If they wanted to they would have come here. They knew where I was.
PI:and that girl on the picture, do you trust her?
Njabulo:yes. That's my girlfriend.
PI:her parents are friends with your stepmother. So be careful. Everything else is in here. I'll be on my way.
Njabulo:thank you so much.

He walked him out then came back to the living room.

Njabulo:I met my stepmother yesterday.
Njabulo:they were having an event at Nomzamo's work. I recognized her. She stared at me for a while. I don't know if she forgot me or still knows me.
George:obviously she knows you. You are your father. You look exactly like him. So Nomzamo,do you really trust her?
Njabulo:yes. She won't say anything.
George:and Madison?
Njabulo:three months is nothing. I can hold àmyself for three months. Then she'll be gone for a year.
George:then after that?
Njabulo:a year is a long time. My love for her will fade since I won't be seeing her.
George:you take things lightly. It's actually a good thing that she's leaving. You can fully focus on your family. That's what's important.
Njabulo:yes. I think she was just a test. And I passed it.

He sighed.

George:who are you trying to convince? But let's move on to something else. When are you going to your father's home?
Njabulo:as soon as I get money.
George:I'll give you transport money.
Njabulo:you are always there for me. One day I will show my appreciation to you. Who knows? If it wasn't for you maybe I would be a street kid. I am here today because of you. You helped me apply for university and a bursary. Paid my registration fee and even rented for me for a month. I will never forget that. You're like a father to me.
George:you are like a son to me. And I'm always going to be here to show you the way.


Nomzamo:I'm so tired. If I was at my place I'd just eat anything I want.
Sethu:even here you can do that.
Nomzamo:really? With mom around? She's always feeding me healthy smoothies and vegetables. Do you know that I'm not allowed to eat junk food because apparently it's not good for the baby? Then every day I have to exercise.
Sethu:you should be glad. She's doing this for Nqubeko.
Nomzamo:I think it's a Khumalo thing. Njabulo can eat hey. So that's why this baby is making me eat so much.
Sethu:well,before mama comes back,you can have this junk food with me. Just this once.

She takes the food and starts eating.

Sethu:slow down. Mama won't stop you from eating.
Nomzamo:Njabulo lets me eat anything. I wish I was staying with him.
Sethu:you really love this man.
Nomzamo:I love him so much.

"I hope that love you have for him doesn't make you do something stupid. We waited for you yesterday but you didn't come home. Follow me. We need to talk."

Nomzamo:mama can't it wait? I'm still eating.
Mom:what does it matter? You're getting rid of that thing anyway.
Sethu:what?! Mama you can't do that.
Mom:that baby will bring problems to this family. Nomzamo follow me.

Nomzamo ate fast then followed her mother. She went into the living room and sat down.

Nomzamo:you are not going to force me to kill my child.
Dad:what do you know about Njabulo? He's a Khumalo, right?
Nomzamo:dad he already told you that he's a Khumalo.
Mom:is he anyhow related to Nqubeko Khumalo?
Nomzamo:I don't know who that is.
Dad:you call your baby Nqubeko. And that boy's father was Nqubeko Khumalo.
Nomzamo:how would I know? I only know that his parents are dead. That's it. We don't talk about his family. We talk about us most of the time.
Dad:he has never said anything about Sthokozile or Dlomo?
Nomzamo:dad he just met those people yesterday. How would he know them?
Dad:here's what you are going to do. You are going to ask him about his family and report back to us. Ask him about his father and mother and just about his life. Whatever he's planning you'll tell us.
Nomzamo:dad you hate this person. Why do you need this information? You are even forcing me to kill his baby but you want me to be your spy?
Mom:We need that information.
Nomzamo:Can I go now? I'm going out with Sethu.
Dad:think about what we said.

She walked out and went to Sethu.

Sethu:give me your phone and car keys.
Sethu:we are leaving them here. We are not going out anymore. We are going to get your clothes and get you away from here.

She took the phone and the keys and went to put them in the bedroom then requested bolt. When it arrived they went to Nomzamo's place.


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