Finally a homeowner.

"All I ever wanted was to have a place I could call home. I worked so hard and tirelessly just to see that dream come true, but with every step I take towards achieving this dream, it feels like the distance between me and this dream keeps increasing," Uncle Friday said.

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We all kept listening to him as he shared with us the story of his life; he was the last born child of my maternal grandmother. He was very strict whenever he came visiting and made sure we were always reading and observing our siesta. Truth be told, my siblings and I did not really like him coming to visit, unlike some other uncles that take us out and give us the freedom we desire; his case is just different.

"Do you know Premier's wife threw me out of my own brother's house just because I asked her for food? That alone made me long for a home of my own, a place of my own where I could just lay my head and feel comfortable," he added.

"Ahhhhhh," my siblings and I exclaimed.

Since he was way older and very strict, we were careful with our choice of word so as to avoid offending him. Most of the time all we did was listen and chip in a few words where necessary, praying our parents would come back on time so he would leave us and focus on them. How strict he was made us uncomfortable with him.

"Nothing really beats the feeling you get when you know wherever you call home is yours and you don't have to worship anybody before you are given full access," he continued lamenting about how badly his elder brother's wife treated him during the few days he spent with them.

"So do you think she at any point felt bad about how she treated you?" I asked

"Something she did not once and not twice; she made it a habit, so I strongly doubt if she ever felt bad for what she did. You won't believe the plan was to stay with them until I was able to stay on my own, but I could no longer take it and I had to leave." he replied

"So what is your plan, and how do you intend to make this dream of owning a home of your own come true?" My siblings and I asked at the same time.

"I will further my education in a Presbyterian seminary, whether I have family's support or not, and from there I will be able to answer God's call as well as get my life together," he replied.

Last year I went to the village and I ran into Uncle Friday in the village. I lost communication with him but knew he was now doing okay for himself. Truth be told, I tried to dodge him, but he caught me before I did and asked that he take me somewhere. I reluctantly agreed; he took me to a very beautiful house.

"Everyday I am thanking God that I never gave up on my dream of having a home of my own, a place owned by me, and I don't have to lick anybody's feet to do as I like," Uncle Friday said.

"Congratulations, uncle, your story is a motivation for us," I replied.

"Funny how even the house I live in Lagos is mine, then this one, I am finally a homeowner and not just one but two. God has been faithful." He said as he continued to talk how proud of himself he was for not giving up.

I was really happy he got to achieve his dream of becoming a homeowner after so many years; despite the ups and downs, he still managed to prove himself.

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