Weekend -Engagement : what I am doing this weekend and why

Is another wonderful weekend and am sure all my friends are happy to have another weekend.

All the topics for this weekend engagement are very interesting but the last one caught my attention because i already had plans if creating a content on what my weekend was going to be like.

For the past two months if not upto four month i have been soo stressed, i traveled to the east which lead me to spending two whole days on the road, i came back to meet my house flooded 😭 and i spent days cleaning up and drying up everything.

After those hard work i felt sick, i was sick for two weeks and just recovering, so i decided to use this weekend for eating and sleeping, hahahahah hahahahah that sounds funny but honestly that's what i have been doing.

My weekend begins.

My weekend started in Friday morning, as early as 7:am i prepared vegetable salad, add some fried groundnut, i already boiled water for green tea so i quickly had my green tear after which i enjoyed my salad.

I went back to sleep, when i woke up i completed my post and quickly went to the kitchen and prepared rice and stew.

After that i boiled water, had my bath and login to my hive and made some comments on people's posts, then i went back to bed, i already programmed my body to sleep and eat mood.

I woke up by 5pm , went downstairs to trash the bin, came back and made soup and swallow for dinner, by 8pm i started feeling sleepy again and i went back to bed, that was the end of Friday.

Saturday morning.

I woke up by 7 am, did my daily text and went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, i wanted to have rice and boiled egg for breakfast.

I quickly finished a post and few comments in hive and went back to bed, i slept till 1:pm i woke up and went back to the kitchen to prepare porridge beans for lunch.

I quickly had my bath and went back to bed, i slept till 5:pm when my friend came visiting me with his children, i was so happy to see them because its really been a very long time.

He had issues with his marriage and the wife moved out of the house with the children, so the children have been away from their father for a very long time but finally they came visiting.
It was really a nice time with them, the children had some cookies and soft drinks while we the adult had some 🍷 of wine.

They spent two hours or more with me before leaving, immediately they left i checked on my little garden, i will create a content on that tomorrow on homesteading community.

Its becoming dark so its time for dinner, i already made plans of enjoying swallow with a very good goat meat okra soup.

Why i choose this weekend for eating and sleeping.

Yes i was stressed but why of all weekends i chose this weekend to have such rest.

This weekend was the best time because Nigeria was having a protest that limited peoples activities so there was little or nothing to do, shops have been closed, offices have been closed even schools were closed down, so i decided to use this weekend to get back all the hours of sleep i have lost.

The fact is that i still have upto 24hrs to eat and sleep so by Monday morning i will be healthy and ready for daily activities.

Yes am really enjoying my weekend, i can say that for sure.
Its night time 12:03am, let me go to bed.

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