We release you from your impotence, @stimialiti/ @fersher

There's a few noble Hiveans, myself included, who have been receiving malicious DownVotes from @stimialiti (aka @fersher) for ages now.

Screenshot 2021-11-28 at 10.39.44.png

I can't even remember how this all began - probably they were a reward-pool milker (aka abusive poster) and we downvoted them entirely appropriately back in the day.

Usually such abusers react in one of two ways:

  • They just stop, power down and disappear
  • They stop abusing and start posting decent content/ spamming less.

However, with @stimialiti it's been different - he/ she has gradually been powering up and they seem relentless on continually DVing on the 6th day.

They haven't got a significant amount of HP, only around 500, which isn't enough to bother any of the people he/ she DVs, so frankly it's just bizarre.

I'm actually more concerned for their mental health than I am with the insignificant amount of Hive I/ we lose. To hold a grudge for that long is bad enough, but to hold a grudge and act on it, with that action having so little effect must be just a shit experience.

I mean, there's nothing positive about it, is there: being an impotent gnat, and knowing it too I imagine. It's like dwelling on your own misery, NOT GOOD!

They don't post these days AT ALL btw so there's no way of responding to this on-chain.

But @slobberchops and @steevc (also victims of the impotent gnat above) have now coded a bot which now runs on the @wanker account which auto upvotes any post @stimilati Downvotes - and if he/ she jiggles his/ her HP around then I guess the bot can easily be scripted to counter that too.

So now the effect of @stimilatis DVing will literally be 0, nada, nothing.

So finally, he/ she can just give it a rest because now there is literally no point carrying on with this kind of behaviour, we release you - let this go, and go be happy somewhere else instead!

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