Solstice, Remembering Our Light


Solstice calls on us to be still, so that we can acknowledge the journey, that has led us here, to this point in our lives. Nature is our greatest teacher she is forever offering us the most valuable of lessons, if we would just slow down, observe and listen. Nature is our guide, helping us to navigate our way in this life. During these last few months, as the days grew shorter and the landscape changed around us. Just as the sap in the trees travelled down into the roots, we were invited to focus our energy inwards, to take a hint from the trees, as they dropped their leaves, that we too drop everything that no longer serves us.


This really helps to expand our self awareness and self healing. It is why it is so important that we become insync with the seasons, insync with ourselves. As its gotten colder, we tend to slow down. As the nights grew longer, we were given the opportunity to plant new seeds, to nurture our new ideas, our new dreams. So that as the light returns, we can bring them to life.


Right now, it feels like there is such a huge darkness in the world. As we bare witness to the genocide of the Palestinian people. It's hard to watch, so hard to comprehend. It's seems so unfair, that we should even think to celebrate, whilst such violence is occurring.

But then I remember that the light, the return of the light that I like to celebrate at this time of the year, is also part of the light that we carry within. And that during this time of great darkness, we really must nurture our own light, because it is so needed right now. It would be easy to get swept up in the anger, for sure we have every right to feel it. But if we hold on to it too much, it will begin to diminish our own light.


The same with fear, with hatred, with resentment. These are emotions that we have every right to feel, we just have to remember to let them go. To shed them like leaves, so that we can access our light and use it, as fuel to create change. Spread it around, shine it into all the dark places that need it right now.

My heart feels heavy. For those whose light has been taken from them. For those who no longer live amongst us. And yet that is why it is important for us to shine, to shine in our own way. Be it through our passions, through our actions, through our love. This Solstice, let us shine extra bright, for those who can not.

All photos used in this post are my own.



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