Realize your human potential...fix your body !


"Let's be willing to make some changes and get into good habits"...


I say this all the time that it all begins in the mind. If you're starting off right with a good mindset, you may just go the distance. It brings up an old fashioned term called "will power" doesn't it.

Let's be honest with ourselves and face the facts, it took some time to get into these messes with our bodies, it will take some time to get out of them, but it can be done...

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The good news is the human body is very forgiving and a superb healer of itself if we are willing to learn about it and treat it right
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I could fill this single blog post with large amounts of information and words, but I don't believe that's a good way of teaching. What happens is the reader becomes overwhelmed with too much information and only remembers fractions of it.

This is why I will post information incrementally, because this is the way I believe knowledge should be taught through this useful technological tool called the internet. This method of teaching gives the student time to absorb and prepare themself for the next dose.


I am going to leave you with two powerful ⚡habits I personally use and have helped me tremendously...

  • Commit to 1 meal a day consumed within a 1 hour window - figure out what time of day your appetite rages/peaks the most and make that your general time to eat everyday! Doing this will give your body time to reset and it will thank you for it...
    Two meals for your lifestyle and metabolism, one every 12 hours or so, may be OK, but 1 a day is what works best for me.

    You're not going to harm your body by cutting back, in fact, you're giving it a break by doing so.

  • Cut out unhealthy things like vegetable oil and corn syrup (fructose👎) from your diet (I consider these basic poisons)- start reading those labels before you buy! There are more bad foods of course, but let's just stick with a couple for now.

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*It takes me a lot of time to write these posts as well as the images I create such as the infographics. Please link back if redistributing: peakd/@doctorchapman
some applied educational images are protected under the Fair Use Policy of U.S. Const. and may be re-distributed for educational purposes

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