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It's Morel season, and I was hunting them. During an identification session at the mycological study group, I was told that it was too early and dry for Morchella. I'm that type of human who likes to learn my own lessons. At times the hard way, but sometimes I also chose to feel the world through my hair. Like when you close your eyes and sense beyond the body.

While i'm writing this and anyone might assume i'm just crazy in 2022, I'm reading a recent research paper on myelin sheaths, noticing that i'm way too far off to ever get back to Ascomycetes. Or is this just too far fetched when it's related to axons?

After I found some morels and brought them to the mycological study group, I was asked where I found them. I said that the sprouting and the birds told me and winked. Some trees almost look like they bear Ascomycetes. This is something I'd really like to delve into deeper. I am sure you can ask trees and they will tell you as well.

It's also interesting to know the difference of how basidiomycetes and ascomycetes for their sexual spores.

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I revealed a guide on how to hunt for morels a year ago.

In this post i'd like to share what's going on in my life. While contemplating on the amount of screen time spent on an average, I long for the forests, muddy paths, thorns and scratches from prickly plants, walking over flora and fauna barefooted and the feeling tree roots covered in moss on my toes.

When it isn't this strong longing for peace around nature, I think about just playing one of my retro synths all night long.

Did you ever think or feel that you might need another life for every passion you have? Lately I thought of a separate one where i'm organising parties and supporting artists without being one. For those of you, who love writing and expressing yourself creatively, I'm sure we'd definitely need another life where we're only writing on hive.

Drifting into dimensional Exile

At one of my recent meditations, I pictured various dimensions. With closed eyes and immersed into deep dhyāna warding a state. Trying to taint my monkey mind, I noticed how compelled my mind was to let go and play. I imagined 8 dimensions and I enjoyed that the 3rd with an intense visual experience in my head. Like a motion design presentation presenting the universe to me. I got this bird eyes view trying to focus on nothing. Manifested in the breath and moving with it, I got images and tried to suppress them. Why? Because my mind is like a child and i'm trying to discipline it while giving it complete liberty. After all allowing it and challenging it in various are also different things. I feel that one of the keys to do this, is being gentle with it while still letting it play.

It gets really strange when you achieve states that some people would ridicule or label superstitious.

Have you ever had outer body experiences? Maybe one where you walk around a room while you're actually sitting and meditating and look under a cupboard? It isn't the question whether you see will see what you fathomed and if that object under the cupboard will really be there after you finish your meditation and check. A tougher question to answer is if you didn't imagine or picture while you had infinite possibilities. Or maybe whats not there? The irony isn't just that i'm trying to taint my mind from drifting in random trains of thought, but training how to focus can change your perspective on mindfulness.

Think of all the times you thought about saying something else in a situation and you relive that or other situations. Reliving them again and again? I could have, would have? What if you chose to go back? What if you're back now but unaware?

Ironically you couldn't go back in time to buy bitcoin ten years ago, yet you are here in 2022. You also happen to be one of the few people interested in the Hive blockchain?

I can't help but think I might be crazy when I open my eyes and see geometry. It's as if someone layers AR over my vision and it's full of math. Imagine the green matrix code, but to me it's just transparent objects filled with crystalline space, zooming in and out and changing spectral vision. Imagine you had xray, but you can zoom into femto, back out in an instant with some added geometric symbolism. Like all dots in space connected to vertices.

I don't think I need any drugs to feel like that. It's just my mind.

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What does all this have to do with morels?

One of the things I feel most connected to is fungi. I think I can feel and hear them. It's an imaginative auditory sensation mixed with some visuals on hyphae.

Endomycorrhizae form a mutual symbiosis with trees and their roots in complex subterranean networks. Fungi and plant roots exchange carbohydrates, while the fungi transfers various nutrients. Specially water plays an important role. Lots of water provided by the fungi to the plant roots. Currently I'm learning the difference between Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes. In ectomycorrhizae the hyphae form a sheath around the root outside. It's so interesting to then picture how spores are produced in an ascus as opposed to external spores produced on so called basidia.

All of this thinking and learning gets me very exited when it rains and I can go and visit some fresh Ascomycetes.

I can't describe how a series of trees triggers me to visualise this complex biome and pulls me straight to it. It's and intense sensation and a lot more going on there.

Can you relate to something like that?

"The only difference between you in the future and you now is consciousness" . - @yangyanje

Wood Fungus Excusion

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On a recent wood fungus excursion we came a cross some interesting mushrooms.

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Gloeophyllum odoratum - Smells like really pleasant

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Another lesson on respecting the forest, it's ecosystem, life and to try not to disturb it too much.

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Mushroom Rhyme

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Dedicated to @riverflows, I drafted a small rhyme/poem in one of her post comment sections randomly:


A man in delirium but no one steering em,
His brain Neurons expanding like mycelium
trying to focus but he won't notice
until he stops and meditates in a lotus

slipping into astral plains of existence
fitting his mind to stick to the path with persistence
can't rewind time embrace some presence
deal with life find back to conscious essence
Even when the wrath of after math
labelled you an outcast on the sheep path
deviated to end with the last laugh in past
realise, rise, your destiny's here to craft

or future cure to assure you witness
a fitness to secure without ending up a misfit
mature the twisted ideals to fit statistics
what narratives and patterns listed like marketing on xmas
inner wisdom being conscious of your habits
Beyond the average or the pattern of the masses
lies a world beyond the classes of the scattered
seeing through the chatter mind over matter
hyphae breaking through and shatter
doctrines like vascular arms that groove
like sovereigns until the mushrooms come back in autumns.


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I also apologised for totally missing the point with:

I know I didn't tweak it,
But I used the opportunity to leak it
inspired to write a little rhyme of mine
in your comment section hoping you wont mind.

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The age of trees and to identify that through tree barks can be a crucial advantage when hunting for morels. Specially along river streams. As well as identifying the genus of a tree through that bark structure can help a lot in your search for morchellas. Mostly Ash and Elm trees. Once you find them, remember the habitat carefully and repeat and apply the same to other such potential locations. Watch out for other plants and herbs around, that grow in symbiosis.

At times I balance on tree logs, walk hours without finding anything, just exploring habitats. I slide down muddy hills of stand a few meters next to a deer and close my eyes. Intense experiences of scents and aroma during spring sprouting enlivens my soul. Even if I don't find mushrooms, it was always worth every fresh breath and lesson on mindfulness. As always I encourage anyone to get your regular dose of shinrin-yoku.

Thank you for reading

Best Wishes

" It's isn't life that matters, but the moment when you wake up and realise that you're not the people around you " - @yangyanje

Previous Posts on Mushrooms:

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Posts about Wild Herbs:

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Dong Chang 东厂
aka Rane

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"If you think it knows that you know when you know it's surely aware. If it comes to you, create it before anyone else does and share it's arithmetics others"
- @yangyanje

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