Calling Poets, Comics and Fungi Lovers - I Need Your Help!

Hello dear ones of HIVE, you creative, talented and crazy bunch of amazingness! I need your help!

I'm entering a challenge where you have to write a mushroom related limerick to win a book! Now I'm not that great at limericks so I enlisted a good friend to help. He's a legend of limericks and composes them when he's meditating, particularly on those 40 day silent retreats (yes, I know - who'd be in THAT head, am I right?). So he's what he came up with:

There once was a man called Fred
Who grew mushrooms in his bed
They grew through his nose
And out of his toes
And tasted real good, so he said.

Reading through some of the really good entries I felt I needed to tweak it a little, but I'm not sure if I'm there yet either!

There once was a man called Jim
Who was made from mycellium
It grew out of his nose
And betwixt his toes
He sold it to all who knew him.


Aagh. This is where I need your help. Either tweak mine to perfection or write a damn good limerick for me to submit by Tuesday AEDT time. If it's worthy, I'll set you as post beneficiary when I write about winning the book! But it has to be in by Tuesday a.m my time.

Even if it's not, you can still win 5 HIVE! Write me a limerick that makes me laugh (mushroom related) and I'll award the best with a fiver. Of course, I'm gonna need three limericks in the comments below to award a prize - y'all gotta join in the fun!

Tagging a few people I think might be good at this - and feel free to tag others you think might be good at it too! What do you reckon @amirtheawesome1, @mrprofessor, @meesterboom or @owasco?

With Love,


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