Celebrating a Personal Milestone

Celebrating a Personal Milestone

My Solo Journey to the Grocery Store

Yesterday, I reached a significant milestone. I went to the grocery store by myself, taking the bus. This may not seem like a big deal, but for me, it was a major accomplishment. Let me explain.


My Everyday Battles

I struggle with anxiety, social phobia, and depression. Because of this, I tend to isolate myself and rarely leave my apartment. I only go out for necessary appointments. Sometimes, even getting out of bed is difficult.

I also have several medical conditions, including a brain injury, ADHD, chronic pain, and more. These conditions make it challenging for me to do simple tasks like shopping or running errands. However, I've been working hard to overcome my fears, and yesterday was a big step forward.

The Pharmacy Dilemma


Due to changes in my insurance coverage, I had to split my prescription into two parts. My regular pharmacy charges a high price for the part that insurance doesn't cover, but I found out that a local store accepts a discount card that significantly reduces the cost. The only downside is that they don't deliver.

The Journey Begins

Normally, I have a home health aide to assist me, but she was sick that day. So, I had no choice but to go to the store alone. Despite having a brain injury and ADHD, which can cause forgetfulness and confusion, I had to go pick up the prescription.

Overcoming More Obstacles

Unfortunately, I misplaced my emergency call button and didn't have an active phone. If something went wrong, I had no one to call for help. But I had no choice but to go.

I bundled up and headed out without checking the bus times. I ended up missing the bus by a few minutes, but I waited in the cold until the next one arrived.

I should mention that my glasses were broken, so I had to wear a different pair that made everything blurry and gave me a headache.

At the Store

Eventually, I made it to the store and grabbed a few items while I was there. I found a great deal on some chicken drumsticks, and a good deal on some meat!


On the bus ride home, there was initially no space for my wheelchair, but someone reluctantly moved so that I could fit.

The Return Trip and a Test of Resilience

When it was time to get off the bus, I had some difficulty maneuvering due to another person's wheelchair blocking the aisle. There was a tense moment when that person yelled at me for accidentally brushing their wheelchair with my backpack. However, I didn't let it ruin my accomplishment.

Reflections and Looking Forward

I'm proud of myself for this achievement and hope to continue leaving my apartment and getting outside more often. It may not be extraordinary, but given my circumstances, it's worth celebrating.


A Message of Hope

To anyone facing similar struggles, know that there’s always hope. Small steps can lead to significant changes. If I can make this journey, you can too. I’m here to support and encourage you on your path.

Finding Hope in the Smallest Victories

This blog post is not just a story of a trip to the grocery store; it’s a testament to overcoming personal challenges and finding hope in the smallest victories. It’s a reminder that every step forward, no matter how small, is a step towards a better, more independent life. Remember, we’re in this together, and I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way.

#Kindness #Depression #Anxiety #TBI #MentalHealth #ChronicPain #ADHD #Resilience #Hope #Milestone #TBI

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