Coron Island Tour: Remaining Escapades I Haven't Shared

Hello everyone!

It's finally time to put a cap on this "first visit to Coron thing" because it's been ages. I have also decided to wrap up everything in the travel series that I have started, but haven't finished yet including those travels from 2020. I will dedicate a big chunk of my time in the coming months to posting everything I have set aside in the past three years. Procrastination would have been a daily struggle, but I got challenged by my new recruits here in Hive. I know they're very enthusiastic about posting, so it would be a shame if I'll always procrastinate. Plus, they're all content creators, so it's time to up the game. I also want to start a clean slate in terms of content in the second half of the year.

Luceo non uro

My usual posts would have been all about landscapes and I rarely include myself in the photos, but it's time to change the tune a little bit. In this post, I decided to include the photos taken using my phone that otherwise would have been stuck in Google Photos. Be warned.

Photodump Ahead

It would be a waste not to share the other spots in the tour that I haven't covered yet, so I decided to have this post as the final part of the Coron Island tour. But first, I have a lot of photos on my phone that were taken on Bulog Dos Island.

Bulog Dos Island

I feel that the following photos are just validation that I've been to these places. You can click the link above to head directly to the reason why I thought Palawan is now the best island in the world. No words would aptly describe my whole experience while I was there.

I noted in my previous post about Bulog Dos Island that from the area where our boat was docked up to every corner of the island, everything's instagrammable.

I also noticed that the branches without leaves give so much character to the island. It's like a stark contrast to the clear waters below. At least for me, there's so much beauty that's packed in a tiny island that can't even be seen on the map.

Didn't I warn you of the photo dump? I didn't care then if I was sunburnt to the crisp because the island was so beautiful and I felt I would lose a lot if I won't explore its nooks and crannies. I won't care now if you will get tired of my face. 🙃

I mean who wouldn't get carried by these sceneries? It's definitely worth visiting again.

Bulog Dos Island was on the third day of our Coron Island tour. We had more time exploring the island because the guide decided that we would have lunch there before proceeding to the second and third islands in the tour. The second island is Ditaytayan Island and its famous sandbar.

Ditaytayan Sandbar

For some reason, I only have a few decent photos in the sandbar. I got tired and lazy that I didn't even get out of the boat. It's okay though. I still have unprocessed photos from our second visit. I'll share them soon!

We visited Coron immediately after it was opened to tourists after the pandemic, so there were only a few people on the island. I noticed that there were skinny dogs that ran in the sandbar. The guide told us that they're owned by a single inhabitant of the island. They were given food by the tourists, but due to the pandemic, they got so skinny. After Ditaytayan Island, we immediately went to Malcapuya Island, where we stayed until the afternoon.

This is going backward, but whatever. I never even followed chronological order in my posts. Anyway, on the second day, after visiting Kayangan Lake and Barracuda Lake we went to Beach 91 and had lunch there.

Beach 91

Another spot where I got lazy and had no decent photos. If you'll search Beach 91, it's a usual stopover for lunch when you tour around Coron. There are cottages there where the food is served. While waiting for the food or after lunch, you can take a dip in its crystal clear waters.

After lunch, we went to CYC Beach, the only public beach in Coron.

CYC Beach

CYC Beach or Coron Youth Club Beach is a famous destination for locals as it's the only beach that has no entrance fees. All the other beaches have fees that are already included in your tour fee. The waters surrounding the beach are shallow, so during a hot summer day, the water will feel lukewarm.

It was another lazy moment that I didn't even bother getting out of the boat. I just had fun while interacting with a vendor on a boat. They have drinks and snacks, but they're a little bit expensive. You should try their ice candy.

After CYC Beach, we went to the second to the last spot for the day. Malwawey Coral Garden is in the middle between CYC Beach and Twin Lagoon. I had fun snorkeling, but the current that day was too strong.

Malwawey Coral Garden

There's nothing much to say about Malwawey Coral Garden because the beauty lies underwater. If I'm not mistaken, I didn't have my GoPro at this time because it got damaged during one of my freediving sessions in Moalboal, so I had no underwater photos. Since I didn't have underwater photos, I decided that I should go back. Let me just dump a few photos of the view from the coral garden.

We didn't stay long at the coral garden because of the strong current and it was already getting late into the afternoon. We immediately went to the Twin Lagoon, our last destination of that day.

Twin Lagoon

It has always been the sharp and jagged karst formations that are in contrast with the crystal clear waters. It's what made me feel in love with Coron. You can click the link above to marvel at the photos from the lagoon. Here, I'll just share the photos as we floated while marveling at those amazing formations.

I can still remember the feeling that afternoon. The water was lukewarm at the surface until the hips. From the legs down, it was cold. The guide said that the cold water below was from the mountains the seeped into the lagoon. It was a peculiar sensation.

I guess that's all for this post. I'll share about El Nido soon! But I'll bet you got lost in all of my jumbled thoughts. Don't worry. Here's a complete list of this tour:

Day 1

[1] Mt. Tapyas
[2] Maquinit Hot Spring

Day 2

[1] Islands in Coron
[2] Kayangan Lake
[3] Barracuda Lake
[4] Beach 91
[5] CYC Beach
[6] Malwawey Coral Garden
[7] Twin Lagoon

Day 3

[1] Bulog Dos Island
[2] Ditaytayan Sandbar
[3] Malcapuya Island

Kim Ybañez

Welcome to Kim's small corner in Hive. He is a chemical engineer by profession, but a blogger by passion. He is a wanderlust and an adventure seeker. Join his quests as he visits secluded destinations, climbs mountains, tries new and exotic dishes, and explores his country (The Philippines). He's also a trying hard photographer so stay tuned as he shares his photos and his thought process while creating them.

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