At the beginning of Corona in China😵‍💫and gorgeous Thailand part 1

Hey Hivers and Travelfeed Friends, today I want to tell you an exciting Travelstory! 
In January 2020 I went on vacation to Thailand for the first time, Thailand has always been my dream travel destination. I think we, my then boyfriend and I,  had booked at the end of November 2019, our flight should go over China. We didn't hear anything about the Coronavirus at the time we booked. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for long...with increasing corona stress, our flight was constantly being postponed. I was really afraid that our flight would be canceled.

I've never been to China in my life or had a stopover there... but I'm flying to China just in time for the biggest Plandemic of all time, which also "broke out" in China...Cool 😑

After a long time of trembling and many flight delays, it finally started! In Germany, there was still no sign of Corona and you could even fly without 🙏🏻 a mask. You didn't know how bad things were going to get😫

By the way, we got completely dressed for a few euros in a second-hand shop, including a winter jacket, pants, and shoes. Our plan was to take off our clothes directly at the airport in Bangkok. We wanted to give the things away or just leave them somewhere haha. We didn't have room for a fat winter jacket, let alone we didn't feel like wearing 4 lugging around with us for weeks. What we wear on the return flight was our problem in 4 weeks😉

no winter clothes fit in there ;)
no winter clothes fit in there ;)

We finally had a 6-hour stay in Beijing. We used the time and wanted to see Beijing a bit...As we were trying to get out of the airport, a Chinese guard yelled at us (really yelled at) that we had to wear a mask. You were not allowed to leave the airport building without a mask. But inside the airport, it wasn't compulsory to wear one. Nice as the airport staff was, but they got us a make and we were able to leave the area. We had met two other guys on the plane with whom we explored the area a little.


Our goal was the "Red Square". We took the S-Bahn there. I always think Germany is grey...grey skies, gray buildings, gray faces ;) , but Beijing is 100% worse. Smog sky, gray skyscrapers, nothing green! Maybe there are also nice corners of dirt, I hope so for the people there🙏🏻, but I didn't like what I saw. Down in the subway, there were 2 "security guards" who stood on a pedestal and stared straight ahead. strange! The "red square" was closed to visitors at the time, one could have guessed at that time. It was a very spooky atmosphere in this square, you saw almost no one on the street, almost no cars! In a normal place is visited by thousands of people. Spooky !


Don’t understand it...fenced in ?!
Don't understand it...fenced in ?!

There was another strange situation in the subway...there was a small water stain on the floor, someone had spilled their drink or something. The employee from the tram got very nervous, you got it looked at him properly. He ran back and forth, asked his colleagues something, and became more and more hectic. 
He was on the phone until he was finally handed a mop at the next stop and wiped the stain away. He probably would have gotten deductions for something like that in his social credit system, he definitely made the impression  🤔😫

We were then in a kind of snack bar, one of the few restaurants that were open. The employees there actually demanded that you had to pull your mask up again after every bite. WTF ?!!

So China is really the country I would never have wanted to travel to, normally we would have stayed only 1.5 hours and never seen anything from Beijing. It was still interesting to get a first impression of China, but as dead as it is there the time was really not nice. But I don't want to support what's going on in this country, and I don't want to watch it. After 6 hours we finally went on to THAILAND!😎 Bye Bye China 👋🏻

Thailand already beautiful from above
Thailand already beautiful from above

We had decided to fly on directly to the south and finally landed in Phuket after about 24 hours of travel. juhuuuu


We hadn't booked any accommodation from home and wanted to do everything spontaneously and keep ourselves open about where we wanted to go. We booked our first hostel in Bangkok at the airport. We were very early and unfortunately, our room wasn't ready yet. We first went to have breakfast and explored the area. Then we lay down on the beach, we fell asleep in the shade and woke up after what felt like 2 hours in the blazing sun. We didn't see what a bad sunburn we had until the evening.

first of so many beaches in Phuket
first of so many beaches in Phuket

that was the hand on his back😑 and my face was red like a tomato the first 10 days !what tha hell
that was the hand on his back😑 and my face was red like a tomato the first 10 days !what tha hell

In Thailand at that time there was no sign of Corona, everything was normal, and you didn't have to wear a mask or any other regulations. Luckily!  

We rent a scooter and we looked at the area...Thailand is really incredibly beautiful...great turquoise water, green rocks that jut out into the sea, wild monkeys everywhere, great colors wherever you look.

We visited the "Big Buddha" of Phuket, you could see it from far away when you drove through the area. The budda statue is 45 meters high and 25 meters wide, it was built in 2008 on a mountain in Phuket.

The big budda
The big budda 

there were various other budda statues...with offerings
there were various other budda statues...with offerings

Out of respect for budda and the monks you had to keep your knees and shoulders covered, I wear a sarong :)
Out of respect for budda and the monks you had to keep your knees and shoulders covered, I wear a sarong :)

I love Thai food, I've tried it everywhere. I've tested every sweet and every small stall on the street. Of these small stalls, the food was really the tastiest. Only once did I upset my stomach, I ordered rice with tofu and vegetables in a restaurant and was then on the toilet for 2 days. That was really bad!

Once, while we were walking to a new hostel, a little Thai woman called us. She waved us over and apparently wanted to show us something...

...what did she want from us? what did she hide in her house? did she want to sell us drugs :D ?

Baby turtles
Baby turtles


The woman had turtles in every age group there...turtle eggs, baby turtles, then the middle size, big as you can see in the picture. and 2 really huge ones, I've never seen such big turtles in my life, you could have ridden them. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of them... it was too dark. She had also converted her entire apartment into a turtle farm, Crazy.  
I wanted to ask the woman so much what happens to the turtles, where they go afterward, but she only spoke Thai. Unfortunately, we couldn't really communicate. She told us everything anyway.. we nodded!  

The women with the turtle farm
The women with the turtle farm


The beaches in Phuket and the surrounding area were fantastically beautiful, but nothing that we should expect..

Our journey continued to the islands of Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao...

With the ferry to the next Islands
With the ferry to the next Islands

I'll tell you what we experienced there in part 2 of my trip to Thailand :) I would be happy if you subscribed to me 😉

See you next time


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