Bagsit river - one of the prettiest rivers I've swam in!

Hello everyone! I have just returned from the outside world again OwO This time I didn't go on a hike but I did chill by the river for most of my weekend XD We went to the infamous bagsit river of Zambales. This is said to rival Coto mines river (this is also in Zambales) in terms of what clarity but I chose to go here because it's not such a famous swimming spot... yet, but with how pretty the river is and how clear the water is, I have no doubts that once this gets known enough, people will swarm to this place like how they do up Coto mines.

So getting there... we left Manila at around midnight, actually and I basically slept through the whole drive so I'm not really sure what time we got there... all I know is that I woke up at 6am and we were parked at the local market because the tour coordinator was buying ingredients for the boodle fight XD
it was a funny experience but he did point us to a really good breakfast joint near and the food there was sooooo good! I would go back to it but I can't see myself traveling all the way back just for food XD when there's also good food in manila. Anyways the market wasn't so far from the river. It was like an hour drive from the market.

This is from the eatery amd we got sleepy again after eating so much

This is the river in the morning UwU it was sooooo pretty!! and the water was so blue! even the residents say that it only gets dirty when it rains because of the mud runoff but that is normal for all kinds of cakes and rivers I've been to.

We ended up swimming basically the whole day and it's that kind of chill I want in life ;;w;; I could live there if had the means to buttttt I don't think I can handle it when it floods.

Then mandatory photos of me and my college roomy together! I always have been trying to get her to join me in hikes and it's nice that our schedules finally aligned today.

This was our lunch that we had to cook in a bonfire. We eventually did help with the cooking and by the time we were eating lunch, it started to pour

But even when it rains, the water really doesn't get that dirty, just as the residents say. You could still swim in it though because we still swam for a while before the rain really poured and the current got really strong that we might have gotten drifted off if we swam a bit longer.

By the time the rain really poured though, we packed up and got changed so we could prepare to go back to manila.

And that's the end of my river trip ^^

that's all from me today! I still have to draw again later so hopefully you'll see me again in a few hours. Thanks for stopping by!

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