The Charm of the Ujung Blang Sea Beach Destination, Lhokseumawe City


Hello beloved hivean friends... How are you? As always, I hope you are doing well today and that tomorrow will be even better!!

New Year has arrived, staying alone in my own small boarding house is enough to make me tired, Moreover, the work deadline at the end of last year is enough to keep me busy for a whole week. Because the busy day is over. I give myself space to spend time outside the office at the beach not far from where I work. The sea is the area where I work when my field work hours arrive.

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However, this time my friend and I took a break to relax while enjoying a simple lunch here. As we know, the beach is effective therapy when your mind starts to become confused. Therefore, just enjoy the sea breeze with a drink and enjoy a simple lunch on the beach.

Ujung Blang Sea is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Aceh. Especially the city of Lhokseumawe, as a person who works in the Lhokseumawe city government area and parts of the coast, I really enjoy visiting several coastal region in Lhokseumawe. Especially for this Ujung Blang Sea beach, the government team and I often provide assistance or surveys to this area. So I understand the conditions and tourism here well enough.


Since moving to the city of Lhokseumawe, Ujung Blang Sea has become a favorite place for me and my office friends. We spent a lot of time here, the sea and beaches are beautiful with quite a lot of cafes neatly lined up, there are dozens of cafes here.

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The Seafood black rose cafe is my choice, yellow and black nuances are the theme of this cafe. Firstly entering this area there is a large pool and places to relax which are neatly lined up around the beach area.

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This place is my choice, from many cafes. Apart from this place being clean, the chairs are still sturdy and neat which makes me interested in relaxing here, besides this place the waiters are very friendly, even here it is said that the visitors are not too crowded. So relaxing comfortably is very supportive.

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This sea has a coastline that has been walled with piles of stones, this is because the tide here is getting higher and higher, which has fatal consequences for people at high tide.

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Here, fishermen's activities are still very controlled, right, starting from fishing, pampering fish, even pulling trawlers. This moment is very lucky, I am happy to see that fishermen here are making good use of the sea and coastal areas not only for tourism, but as their main livelihood in fishing.

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The small boats lined up neatly on the coast really tempted me to take some pictures. The sand, the pink boat with the blue sea combine well in just one shot. I was satisfied and returned to the cottage where I relaxed.

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There's not much of a story here, but fun and calm are things I'm looking for that I'm far from finding in a work environment.

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Under the hut and the sea view, I asked my friend to take a selfie of me. Just look at how beautiful the view here is, I'm very happy to be here, even though there are lots of cats that disturb the results of this shot. That doesn't affect it, it makes this photo a beautiful memory in my hive album, right?

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When my order arrived, it was a young coconut drink and my friend's cold lemon tea. I immediately opened the package of rice that I bought on the way to this cafe earlier. I bought duck curry rice. Start opening the package and immediately eat this dish deliciously.

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The freshness of the young coconut, and the delicious fat of the duck curry rice are quite filling, it's time to relax for a moment and hurry home. Before going home I walked around the entire area of ​​this cafe, the rows of huts and the clean beach really support it here.

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I asked my friend to shoot me around this area, the results were very good. Even this empty, murky pond is quite large, apparently the cafe owner hasn't kept fish here for a long time. He said there was a part of the pond construction that was leaking so it wouldn't breed any fish here anymore.

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There is no need to worry about the neat paths around the pool because they are wide and cemented so they are not slippery at all. Then I paid for my order and rushed home. And continue the journey back to the office because break time is over.

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All Images of This Post
Are Mine.

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Who Am I?

The words Who am I take from one of the famous films starring a top artist named Jackie Chan, this film is called Who Am I ?

I am is a man named Aramiko born in 1993 from Indonesian Country. I really like new things, because it can make me better, add experience, and add insight. One of the new things is knowing, learning and joining this I am very happy to join this because I get new things that I did not know before. The posts that I share here are about natural scenery, food, flowers, art, traveling, these are all according to my hobbies and I really like and enjoy them. I also like things about Fisheries, Agriculture and Livestock.

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