Za ručak- brzo i ukusno! 🐓🐔🍄 For lunch - fast and delicious!

Danas sam razmišljala dugo šta da napravim za ručak?
Ah, da, nešto brzo i ukusno! 👌
Piletina sa šampinjonima i karijem!
Prvo nauljite posudu u kojoj pečete.
Zatim piletinu isečete tanko i uvaljate u supu od pečuraka.

Today I thought for a long time what to do for lunch?
Ah, yes, something quick and delicious! 👌
Chicken with mushrooms and curry!
Let's go!
First, oil the pan in which you are baking.
Then cut the chicken thinly and roll it in mushroom soup.


Dovoljna je jedna kesica.

One bag is enough.



Kada ste poredjali meso, iseckane šampinjone prospete preko mesa.

When you have arranged the meat, chop the champignons over the meat.



Zatim umutite jedno jaje pa ubacite jednu kiselu pavlaku i jednu pavlaku za kuvanje, kao što vidite na fotografiji.
Zatim smesu prelijete preko šampinjona, pa začinite vegetom ( začin- sušeno povrće i so )+ kari.

Then beat one egg and add one sour cream and one sour cream for cooking, as you can see in the photo.
Then pour the mixture over the champignons, then season with vegeta (seasoned vegetables and salt) + curry.







U uglu sipajte pola čaše vode.
Zatim prekrijte aluminijumskom folijom i stavite da se peče na 200 stepeni, 50 minuta.
Kada se ispeče narendajte 200 grama kačkavalja i stavite preko pečuraka.

Pour half a glass of water in the corner.
Then cover with aluminum foil and bake at 200 degrees for 50 minutes.
When baked, grate 200 grams of cheese and place over the mushrooms.



Kada ste stavili kačkavalj, vratite u pećnicu dok se kačkavalj ne otopi i dobije zlatnu boju.Kada je gotovo, dekorišite salatom po želji. Moja želja su ovi lepi listovi zelene salate sa maslinovim uljem. 😊

When you have put the cheese, return to the oven until the cheese melts and gets a golden color. When done, decorate with salad as desired. My wish are these beautiful lettuce leaves with olive oil. 😊


Moja ćerka obožava ovo jelo, a kad deca nešto vole onda znajte da je stvarno dobro. 😇

My daughter loves this dish, and when children love something, then know that it is really good. 😇

Uživajte u ovom brzom, zdravom i ukusnom jelu, koji osim ručka može da bude i večera jer je lagano jelo.
Brzo i lepo zar ne?

Enjoy this quick, healthy and delicious dish, which in addition to lunch can also be dinner because it is a light dish.
Fast and nice, isn't it?

Bon apetit!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke!

Greetings from Anka vragolanka!

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