WinExperience - Dorina Lindemann Tinto/Red


Dorina Lindemann Tinto/Red



  • Nome / Name: Dorina Lindemann Tinto/Red
  • Classificação / Classification: Regional Alentejano
  • Castas / Varieties: Touriga Nacional, Tinta Barroca, Touriga Franca
  • Ano / Year: 2020
  • Produtor / Producer: Quinta da Plansel
  • Website
  • Preço / Price: €5,7


"Dorina Lindemann estudou enologia em Geisenheim Alemanha e fundou, há muitos anos, com a sua família, uma adega no sul de Portugal. A sua paixão e especialidade são as castas nativas portuguesas e, com elas, alcançou uma sólida erputação internacional. Dorina Lindeman Seleção desperta os sentidos com o seu bouquet floral, frutado e levemente com especiarias, final aveludado e elegante."

"Since 1976, the Lindemann family have been pioneers in Portuguese viticulture, working to identify, select and classify over 300 of the country's native grapes. Their contribution to the field laid the foundation for what we acknowledge today are Portugal's best-known and revered wine varietals. For over 20 years, Dorina Lindemann has woned and operated her winery in Alentejo region, cultivating her passion foro these singular varietals. In 2001 that passion earned her international recognition as the first person to launch a single varietal wine out of the region. Dorina strives to produce elegant wines that express classic carietal characteristics found in Portugal's diverse viticultural landscape."

Conheci este vinho num restaurante com amigos. Foi sugestão do dono e todos aprovámos. Não foi a nossa primeira vez no sítio e desta vez voltámos para comer o famoso arroz de cabidela.

I was introduced to this wine in a restaurant with friends. It was the owners' suggestion and we all approved. It was not our first time there and this time we came for the famous (and probably impossible to translate) Arroz de Cabidela. There's rice, there's chicken and yes... the more traditional versions involve the poor chickens' blood.



Voltando ao vinho, achei muito frutado e suave. Fiquei com vontade de provar outros do mesmo produtor.

Back to the wine, I found it very fruity and soft. I'm curious to try others from the same producer.

Fotos extra / Extra photos:
Sobremesas / Desserts


Lareira / Fire place


Paisagens circundantes / Surrounding landscapes



Cliente satisfeito / Happy costumer


WinExperiences anteriores / Previous WinExperiences

Vinhos tintos / Red wines

Vinhos brancos / White wines

Vinhos rosé / Rosé wines

Colheita tardia / Late harvest

Eventos especiais / Special events

Ocasiões especiais / Special occasions

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