
Hole Hivers,

Happy happy happy is my mood right now. I hope you guys are doing amazing as I am doing now. I would like to thank you all for taking out time to read my content.

Once in a while life gives you an opportunity to understand it, to sit back and think about what you did wrong and what you did right. It was a time when nothing good was happening around me, everything around seemed traumatic. I lost my relationship, my family was all shattered with my father's illness, my business went all time low, and I saw real faces of few people who I thought were close and will always be there whenever needed.

As the year came to an end, I became a new person all together with a lot of lessons and a completely new outlook towards life. Lately, my team and I were preparing for a very crucial project. We were pretty occupied with the designs, quotations and a presentation on execution. This project, if received and made successful, was going to write a new success story for my company and for the people working together.

As the time passed by we had to submit the tenders as soon as possible. So by the end of July we had done that, as we had finished preparing it earlier we had enough time to revise it and now our hopes were really high. The announcements were made by mid September and WOOO AHHHHH!!!!! We got the project, my team and I were really happy but we had no time to celebrate as we had a lot to do. This project was about constructing eco friendly resort and hut like structures in a valley nearby. The project was huge and so were the numbers quoted which we had to stay true to.
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Every passing day my expectations were meeting the progress and routine was to share the progress report to the client and receive feedback on it. But it had been a few weeks since we had received any feedback from the client. My team reported the same concern to me and I immediately called the client to understand the matter of concern. To my surprise the client had already given the project to any other organization without any prior information. Our contract papers were still to be signed, we started working on it because the timeline was really very tight. So we could not do anything legally to them. In that moment of vulnerability, my office seemed gulping me down, being the primacy contact of the company I had to give this news to my team.
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All I was worried about was that the high spirits of my team were going to strike down. But I had to do it, I had no other choice. I told them, choosing the words carefully and with a manner still trying to keep their motivation level the same but it was definitely the hardest announcement of life.

My business and its members are not only just business associates, they are family. When you build a team and everyone shares the same vision for the organization, dream together, eat together then relationships are not constrained only to business. That day was really hard for all of us, we all cried together. Then to lighten the atmosphere I ordered food but no one ate. We got back to the work we were already doing. We already had some small projects and few restoration sites.

A few days had passed and we were working on the same old projects and suddenly on Dec,17 my phone rang. The call was from the MD of Imperial Hotels, this man was a star of hotel chains in the East and wanted to establish a familiar business here in the north. I was gob smacked, he wanted to see us with the designs we had prepared for the old client(Yes, the one who betrayed us). A meeting was fixed, he saw our designs and loved them. He loved the idea of how the designs were built with minimum nature disturbance and also on how this type of construction will attract nature lovers to stop by.
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All of a sudden we were on the top when we got a project for constructing not one but three such sites for the chain. We locked the deal just today and were really happy. Sometimes in life we cry over things we don’t get even after working very hard for it. But trust me if you don’t get something, the almighty believes that you deserve better and provides you with way better than that. Just trust the process and give your best to every attempt. Try-Fail-Try-Success.
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That’s all for today guys. Thank you for reading me out. Love You all.❤️❤️❤️

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