Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 27

Hi all

I hope your week hasn't been as hectic as mine. Between having to report someone at work and trying to research a crazy in-depth book, I am tired and could do with some rest!

Enjoy the update!

Everything had been going so well. His mistress had managed to keep her mind as time progressed. She had forced him to take her to see how Saita had fallen apart at the death of her son and partner. She had revelled in it, but now, now something was wrong.

She had taken to sitting and staring into space, not doing much else, and always seemed deep in thought. Then the muttering started. She was talking to the voices only she could hear. The voices Red-Eye knew were the bane of all Fell Dragons. The collective knowledge of those who came before her was a constant strain on her and had gotten worse since she had come up with this plan. He had seen this before; her mind was slipping.

He wondered about what the First had said. That the universe’s balance was tilted and the only way to correct it was to get rid of the people who shouldn’t be here. He had thought of that often as he was sent out again and again to hunt those who weren’t meant to exist. He had only managed to track a few but only two were gone from this timeline.

Red-Eye frowned as his mistress hissed something at the air in front of her. If she was going to lose her mind with no cage to allow her sanctuary to calm down, then this was it. The Champion was going to have to kill her because Red-Eye didn’t have the power to do it. He knew he could abandon her to these tunnels and rooms, but the devastation she could cause when she finally snapped would collapse life itself. He needed to take her to a place where she couldn’t cause too much damage as her mind slipped further and further.

It didn’t make sense that she was starting to lose control. The First said she had to bring balance, and she was doing that. Something had changed. Before Red-Eye could consider what could have changed, his mistress got to her feet with a grunt.

“We’re thinking too small Red-Eye.” She said.

He tilted his head to look at her from where he was squatting.

“We’ve been hunting no names, unimportant people. Yes, the brat and the Saith were vital to Saita, but the other soldiers that came with the Saith weren’t as important. No, we need to look at those that hold more power, more influence.”

Red-Eye had thought of this before. He knew who he could suggest but he was also wary. It wouldn’t be as easy to take them by surprise. They had no young ones to protect to distract them. He sighed internally and finally said, “The Queen, her consort, and the Dekai King.”

“The Dekai King we can’t touch. Saita is joined to his life force. We’ve seen this in her energy. No, but you’re right about the Saith Queen and her consort. She should have died, and this is not his time.”

His mistress lolled her head back and took a deep breath as if savouring the stale air within the room they were in.

“He has done the damage I have wanted him to. The queen is weak, they will be the perfect target. Losing her now will break the human queen just a little bit more. She is almost ready; I can taste it.”

Red-Eye knew this was his moment to say something. He needed to ensure if she was going to completely lose her mind, he needed her out of these corridors. However, he didn’t know where he was going to put her. She couldn’t travel without him and if anything were to happen to him, she would be stranded.

“I need to take you somewhere safe.” He finally said.

“Why Red-Eye? Do you think you’ll fail?”

“You never know. The only reason I was able to take on General Mountain was because he had two children to protect, and I caught him unawares before mortally wounding him. Now I must hunt Blood Danger and Royal Guard? She destroyed a number of my soldiers last time I came face-to-face with her.”

His mistress seemed to think this over and then slowly nodded her head. Her eye was vacant. The voices were occupying her thoughts again. Then, it was as if she snapped back to reality, she nodded her head once more.

“The secondary human planet.” She muttered.

“You want to be that close to Saita? She does go to that planet now and again.”

“What better way to keep an eye on her?”

Red-Eye didn’t like it. Every fibre of his being wanted to argue but the look in her eye told him that there was no room to argue.

“She can sense power. If I put you on that planet, she’ll notice you.”

“And that is why you will take a portion of my power.”

Red-Eye knew if she did this, he would have what he needed to defeat the queen and her consort. He nodded his head and stood upright. This was perfect.

“You must stay hidden.” He said to her as he lumbered forward.

“I know, I know. There are places I am sure I can call home until you come get me.”

“I will ensure what remains of the pack will listen to any commands you have.”
“How much longer will they need to sleep?”

“They will sleep until you need them.” He lied.

They would only wake when her control slipped on keeping them asleep. She didn’t even know she was doing it. In some cases, the sleep had been so deep, that some had died and Red-Eye hadn’t been able to collect all of them and was concerned that people were starting to notice.

“Let’s go now.”

“You don’t want to prepare?”

“No. Now.”

Sighing, the Wolven turned and sought the veil she was looking for. It took a few minutes before he found a location on the main human realm that was far away enough that his mistress wouldn’t be found easily. He allowed her to step through the veil but remained in the room.

“Cover your scar and stay away from other humans. I will be back as soon as possible. Retain what memories you can.”

“Yes, Father.” She spat at him.

He felt his ears flatten against his skull. It had been a while since she had spat that at him. He didn’t have time to waste. The longer she was away from him, the more the voices had her ear. He stretched a paw out, waiting for the promised energy. His mistress grabbed his clawed hands and gripped them hard enough to cause painful twinges. He gritted his teeth and accepted the energy that she had promised.

What he had said clearly had her worried because she gave far more energy than he expected. His skin burned and his teeth ached.

“You come back to me.” She said as she released him.

“I give you, my word. The Saith will never see it coming.”

He stepped back from the tear in the veil and allowed it to close. He needed to act quickly, or the energy given to him would burn through him. He turned and started looking for the veil he had discovered the first time he had gone to the Saith home world. He and his brethren had used it when he had first attacked Saita.

He had taken the time to learn about the surrounding area. It was close enough to the castle that he could easily reach it but far away enough that no one would notice him if we were to suddenly appear.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around his arm, and he was dragged out of the time corridor. Startled, and his weight being pulled forward, he fell and landed on his face. Weight was piled onto him and something akin to a muzzle was snapped onto his face. He lashed out with his claws, claws that cut through barriers and connected with a few bodies, but the weight didn’t change.

Panic entered his mind and he mentally called out to others to help him. While a few of the pack could answer and get to him, it didn’t seem to be enough to help. Howls echoed into the air but still, the weight didn’t shift from him. He pushed against the dirt and managed to raise himself. As soon as his upper body lifted off the ground, he felt something wrap around his arms and flip him to his back. Whatever had wrapped around his forearms shot toward his feet and the next thing he knew he was hog-tied.

He tried to issue orders, but the muzzle squeezed his snout too tightly for him to get any orders out. He tried to distribute the excess power he had, but he was too disoriented to know where to send his power. In desperation he released the power, trying to use it as an attack, but didn’t know if it had worked as the next thing he knew, a massive fist hit him just under his metal eye, causing it to sizzle and send a jolt of power directly into his brain, stealing his consciousness from him.

Get prepared for tears next week.

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 26>>You are Here>>Part 28
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