Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 26

Hi all

Sorry for the late update. I have had a doozy of a day! I hope you all enjoy it!

A knock at the door woke Siar. It had been days since she had been able to sleep. The horrors that she had seen had hit her far harder than she thought something ever could. The knock sounded again and this time she dragged herself from her bed with a grunt. To keep her family safe, she returned to the castle with her daughter, and the girl was still asleep, and she wanted to keep it that way.

“What?” she grumbled as she pulled the door open.

“She’s back.” Said the guard who ensured he only looked the Commander in the face.

Siar closed her eyes and sighed softly, “I’ll deal with it.”

“Should I inform the queen?”

“No, I said I’ll deal with it.” Siar rubbed her eyes with one hand while the other waved the soldier off.

She closed the door and started pulling on clothes. She grumbled under her breath, hating that she would have to go out this late at night but knowing she had to. She gave one quick look over her daughter, ensuring she was asleep, and then left the room.

In the dark, she made her way to the house that had been hers a few weeks ago. This wasn’t the first time the intruder had come back. Siar found her sitting in the middle of the living room, staring at the words that had been written in her son's and partner’s blood. It hadn’t been enough for the Wolven to kill them, it had to mock her.

Saita had a lantern sitting before her as she read and reread the words over and over again. It was her name, but not just her name, but the one she had been born with. Her full name appeared again and again, stained into the paint long after the blood had been washed away. She didn’t acknowledge the Saith that came to sit next to her. She continued to stare. Siar sat in silence for a while before saying, “You can’t keep coming back here like this. It’s not healthy.”

Saita silently spun the bangle on her arm. Her tears had long since dried and she was starting to look gaunt again, with deeply bruised eyes. She was grinding her teeth, her eyes never leaving the stains on the wall. Siar knew that she would be back within a few days to repeat the process. Saasha eventually told the rest of her family the significance of the bangle that appeared on Saita’s wrist after the death of Bolx. It shattered their family.

“Come to the castle with me.” Said Siar softly. “Let’s eat and drink something. Talk a bit.”

While this hadn’t worked in the past, this time Saita nodded her head. She turned the lantern off and got to her feet. Siar, momentarily blinded needed a few seconds to get to her feet. Together, the two of them left the house, but while Siar continued walking, Saita stopped.

“The first power I ever copied was my father’s ability to control the earth.” Said Saita softly.

Siar wasn’t sure what she meant by that until Saita pulled the ground below the house apart. The house quickly crumbled into the hole which closed up as quickly as it had opened.

“There’s no going back now.” Said the human Queen as she stepped passed the Saith toward the castle.

“You can’t not eat.” Said Jarah as he looked over Saita’s condition.

Saita ignored the doctor as he looked over her. She hadn’t even wanted to come for a check-up, but her mother had insisted when she had noticed that it had been days since her daughter had last eaten.

No one knew how to talk to talk to Saita anymore. While she somehow managed to continue with her ruling duties, the rest of her life was falling apart. She barely slept, barely ate, and rarely looked after her hygiene unless someone pointed it out to her.

“Eating will help you feel better.” He said softly.

“Nothing will make me feel better.” She snapped at him.

Jarah let her feel angry because then at least he was sure that she could feel something. He would have to continue to treat her as he had since the death of her family. He couldn’t imagine the pain she was feeling, especially since the news that the algorithm was ready and had been used to track the Wolven that had taken everything from her.

Myla had warned Jarah that she would be sending her daughter and he had been somewhat prepared. He grabbed a flask and came to sit next to the young woman. He removed the two cups that screwed on top of the flask. He handed her one, and while pinching the flask between his thighs, he opened it.

Saita was assaulted by the smell of what she thought was hot chocolate. Her body craved the taste, but her mind wanted to ignore it. Jarah didn’t let her pull away as he poured some of the hot drink into the cup she held. He didn’t give her a lot, knowing that it would irritate her. He practically filled his before returning the stopper to the flask.

He put the flask behind him and sipped at his drink, allowing Saita to take her time deciding if she was going to have the drink or not. She decided to have some and continued to sip it until it was gone. Jarah offered her his cup and she took it without even looking at him.

“You have to eat.” He said softly. “And you know why.”

She mumbled something but it wasn’t clear to the doctor. He didn’t want to push her too hard, but he needed to make her understand.

“I understand that you think this is the end, and maybe you’re right, but if you give up here, it truly will be the end.”

“She took away the only things that were truly mine.” Whispered the queen as she squeezed the cup between her hands.

“But she hasn’t taken everything yet and if you give up then she’s not only won but you allowed her to.”

Saita looked into the cup and nodded her head.

“I know you don’t want to tell anyone. I understand, but I don’t think you should keep this to yourself. You have to talk to someone.”

“Anyone I tell will stop me doing what I must.” She said through gritted teeth.
“Then tell someone who knows the importance of what you have to do that won’t stop you.”

She nodded her head.

The doctor patted her knee and hopped off the bed. He smiled at her and said, “I will keep your mother off your back if you come to see me every couple of days. Alright?”


The doctor then sighed and said softly, “And I won’t say anything as long as you don’t want me to. I know you’re preparing and need not be concerned…”

“Thank you.” She said as she continued to sip at the drink in her hands.

Saasha had read and reread the letter that had been delivered to her. It had been some time since Saita had come to their planet. With the house that her loved ones had been murdered in being destroyed, there had been no reason for her to come to the planet. This was why Saasha had been so surprised that the letter had been sent to her without the girl coming to see her directly. However, now that Saasha had read the letter, she understood why the girl hadn’t appeared before her.

Brucel was lounging in the bed next to her. A position he had only taken up when Saasha had asked it of him soon after he had regifted the bangle she had made for him. It hadn’t been the only thing she had talked him into. Sighing, she handed him the letter to read.

The Saith had started to calmly read the letter but once he got to the bulk of the message, he sat up with a shock. He seemed to read it a few times before he said softly, “She’s really going to go through with this? Knowing what it could mean?”
“I think her mind is made up. I am not going to stop her.”

“Saasha, this letter changes everything. You know what this news would mean to your mother.”

“And you will not breathe a word of it.”

Brucel sighed and folded the letter to give it back to his partner, “As you wish. However, how does this change the plan?”

Saasha took a deep breath and leaned back to lie across Brucel’s lap. She looked up at him knowing that he wasn’t the man she had married but he had stepped into the role so beautifully. She held up her right hand and waited for him to grasp it with his own.

“We speak to the prince, and we have the mission started earlier so she can’t join.”

“You know there is a chance…”

“I know how dangerous it is, but I won’t let the young blood do what should be done by those of us who still wield the power to take that thing down. Anyway, it’s not like we don’t have a legacy.”

“I don’t know why you talked me into that.” He frowned.

“It’s easy Royal Guard. It’s so this world knows you existed and fought with us even though you could have run and hidden.”

He smiled down at the queen and thought of all the times he and his wife had lounged like this on their off days. He squeezed her right hand with his own, making sure their blood brother scars touched.

“I think it was always meant to end like this.” He said softly.

“Together then?”


What are these two planning? I guess you will have to read later in the week.

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 25>>You are Here>>Part 27
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