Get well soon, Mom

Get well soon, Mom

A few days ago my mother fell while tidying her room.

As a result, his leg hurt and he couldn't move it, he didn't know what the cause was. He had a massage and he said there were no symptoms of bone joint problems. There may be problems with the nerves or muscles due to being crushed.

However, to determine the cause of his not being able to move his legs, today we took him to the hospital for an examination. Hopefully it is not caused by bone damage considering his old age.

Get well soon mother

Cepat sembuh Ibu

Beberapa hari lalu ibu saya terjatuh saat merapikan kamar beliau.

Akibatnya kaki beliau sakit tak bisa digerakan, belum tahu diakibatkan oleh apa. Beliau Sudah dipijat dan katanya tidak ada gejala persendian tulang yang bermasalah. Kemungkinan ada masalah pada saraf atau otot akibat tertindih.

Namun untuk memastikan penyebab beliau tidak bisa menggerakkan kaki, hari ini kami bawa ke rumah sakit untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan. Mudah mudahan tidak disebabkan oleh kerusakan tulang mengingat umur beliau yang sudah tua.

Cepat sembuh ibu

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