The sailor, a man with the secrets of the sea (14/30)

Dear friends

As the good things always happen today I am participating in the FreeWriteHouse writing challenge "Maynia", which will be developing during the month of May.


In this story the adventures that Thomas had as a sailor are narrated, when he was older he was imprisoned on an island leaving behind in the city where he lived his daughter Mindy and his wife.

On the island where he had arrived with his boat, there was a discussion in the pub where he was sharing with his friends, a fight arose, so one of those present died and he was accused of it. He was then imprisoned, being subjected to a trial of which finally without relevant evidence he was sentenced to serve a sentence on probation, he was helped by Mary who invited him to his home for not having money to pay for his accommodation. Mary was have a daughter named Angeline who was adopted by Thomas who after a romance stayed permanently with her mother.

When Mary died, Thomas decided to return to the city where he found that his wife had passed away and that his daughter Mindy, of legal age, opened the doors of his house, lodging him there until he died.

He had left the charge to Angeline that in case he died she would do everything possible to travel to the city where her sister lived, which she did not know. When he arrived in the city and called his sister, he informed him of their situation that they were both sisters and that they had to meet to elucidate the legacy of their father. In the chapters that follow, the story is unraveled.

In the following links you can follow the beginning of the story: First-day, First-day-continuation, Second-day, Third day, Fourth day, Fifth-day, Sixth-day, Seventh-day, Eighth-day, Ninth-day, Tenth day, Eleventh-day, Twelfth-day, Thirteenth-day.

Today's Prompts

Today's Maynia prompt: hymn of sanity
The Daily Freewrite prompt: hand cream

I hope to fulfill the stated purpose, thanks for your reading.


Chapter XIV Hymn of sanity

Cave women

Upon returning to her hotel, Angeline felt passed out, having been awake all night in that park, luckily accompanied by Andrew, she also had to report to work. Entering her room, she lay down on the bed and immediately fell deeply asleep, as if she were in the half-light, her sleep was not interrupted, to wake up in the late afternoon. When she woke up, she felt very hungry, so she decided to go to the hotel dining room. At that she realized that her hands were rough, on the table under a mirror she had some creams, so she took a box of hand cream, applied it gently to both hands, the atmosphere was flooded with a soft fragrance to wild roses. Ready, she left the room, hungry like cave women.

(end 5 minutes)

Mayor's table

At the entrance of the restaurant was a young woman receiving the guests, so she placed a rose in Mindy's dress, saying:

"Welcome, tonight we have the visit of the mayor of the city, so we are pleased that you have come"

Angeline, feeling flattered, kept walking towards the tables that were each adorned with a vase, to one side of the dining room a banner had the photo of the mayor of the city with one of his messages. He had not yet been present. Encouraged by the change of place, she selected one of the tables to sit, but when she did so Andrew called her in a friendly voice and invited her to accompany him since he would be at the mayor's table, so now she greeted Andrew and followed.

In that they began to listen to a musical performance with the anthem of the city that announced the arrival of the ruler, the usher directed him to the seat of honor where Andrew and Angeline were already, as Andrew had confidence with the mayor, he presented it as his friend. The mayor, upon meeting her and hearing her accent, said:

"Miss, for me it is an honor to receive you in my city, especially a foreign person from the island"

She blushed thanked him for the gesture.

Then the event began with the gala dinner, the mayor gave his speech, everyone applauded him, with the most relaxed atmosphere the atmosphere invited to dialogue.

Angeline at that time remembered that she had not heard from Mindy so she called her on the phone:

When answering the call, Angeline replied:

"Mindy, on the subject of the earthquake I had my phone in silence and I had not noticed it, now I have also been busy, right now I am at an event with the mayor of the city"

"You are moving very fast, ha ha ha," said Mindy. "I thought I saw you on TV, but I wasn't sure. Who invited you?"

"Ah my friend Andrew took care of the arrangements, he has been here with me, by the way he wants to help us to review the documents and writings of our father"

Mindy with the curiosity that she had to know him, said:

"Of course, you can invite him to come to my house together on Saturday, so I know him"

After finishing the call, the event lasted a while longer until the mayor left, the guests left and Angeline saying goodbye to Andrew told her:

"Andrew, I have news for you, my sister has invited us to her house on Saturday, I also told her that you could help us with the documents"

Andrew, with a broad smile, said "We'll be there."

Thomas's presence

The days went by quickly, the two sisters were each busy with their jobs, being already Saturday, Andrew and Angeline agreeing with the time to go to Angeline's sister's house, they went there.

Mindy was already waiting and had a succulent lunch ready, first they would eat and then go show Andrew the house and go to his father's room to review the documents. When they arrived, Mindy excitedly received them:

"Andrew, I'm glad to meet you, my sister has told me about you wonders"

Once they finished having lunch, they went up to Thomas' room, there he was in a photo in a portrait holder, Andrew emitting a sigh told them:

"Thomas, if I got to know him, we always talked when he went to Central Park and told me about his maritime adventures, we were very good friends, until today I didn't know that he was your father"

Mindy then remembered that her father always spoke to her regarding a friend named Andrew, she at the time wanted to meet him but there was never a chance.

From the kitchen downstairs a hymn of sanity was heard, with which the moment conveyed an atmosphere of unity between them, with Thomas's presence in the environment.

(the story continues)

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved


Today is the fourteenth day of the contest, I have completed 806 words.

[screenshot by @felixgarciap]

Waiting for your votes, comments and rehive.


[Image by @Freewritehouse]


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