The sailor, a man with the secrets of the sea (8/30)

Dear friends

As the good things always happen today I am participating in the FreeWriteHouse writing challenge "Maynia", which will be developing during the month of May.

In the following links you can follow the beginning of the story: First-day, First-day-continuation, Second-day, Third day, Fourth day, Fifth-day, Sixth-day, Seventh-day.

Today's Prompts

Today's Maynia prompt: shattered glass
The Daily Freewrite prompt:spirit animal

I hope to fulfill the stated purpose, thanks for your reading.


Chapter VII Shattered glasses

Spirit animal

Mindy, as always, was willing to give her best in her daily promotion work, internally she felt that an spirit animal led her to give more than her fragile woman nature allowed her.

Now after meeting Angeline and beginning to understand something of the mystery that her father kept in his closet with suspicion, his warrior nature came to light. Imbued with these thoughts, her cell phone rang. When she answered the call, this time she recognized Angeline's voice. She immediately after greeting her said:

"Mindy, I was calling you a couple of hours ago, I thought you didn't want to know more about me anymore."

She replied:

"Excuse me, I was at a business meeting and I couldn't answer, then I called you back and your line seemed dead"

(end 5 minutes)

Angeline took a deep breath and said:

"Don't worry, I was calling to see if we meet in the afternoon, I have several issues that we should discuss and also I need to consult you something"

Both agreed on time and place, Mindy hanging up the call, thought to her:

"My half sister, it seems that she is always with something up her sleeve"


After finishing talking to her sister Mindy, Angeline realized that she was a little uneasy since the turns she was taking from her life in the city made her feel insecure, she really felt that she shouldn't have spoken to her that way , since she would feel her insecurity, these thoughts began to torture her a little and her heart began to beat strongly since the emotion of having met her sister, was beginning to take its toll, her father had really told her about her sister. But I did not prepare her for the emotional struggle that she must now wage.

As the afternoon began to cool, he got ready to go in the direction that his sister had indicated that they would meet, this was in a small pub next to the port. As it was close to the suburb where she was staying at the hotel, she went out onto the street to a wide avenue that would take her to the place. The avenue with its wide sidewalk was full of people some of whom offered their products on a carpet on the sidewalk, she was amused by a mannequin from one of the stores since he was dressed in absurd sailor clothes, entering to the store to ask what was sold there. His deep gaze scrutinized the gloom of the place, in closed displays that contained fishing gear, gave the impression of having many years waiting for someone to buy them. A cap like the one his father had worn had a prominent place next to the cash register, which with its antiquity betrayed the inexorable passing of time. Intuitively she take the cap in her hands, the manager of the store when seeing her gesture asked her:

"Miss, I see you liked the cap."

She told him:

"Is that my father had a similar one, but he passed away"

"I'm so sorry," he said.

Invaded with sadness, she returned it to him, left the store and continued on her way to the port.

When he got there, he immediately recognized the pub where he would find her sister Mindy, he had already seen the place in photographs that her father had in his room at her mother's house on the island.

Without further, on one of the walls of the place he saw many photos of famous people who had passed by the pub in times past.

So she select up a small table for two and sat down to wait for Mindy.


To Mindy the afternoon became light, as she had to attend several clients, she forgot at that time about the meeting she would have with her sister Angeline in the port pub, an alarm from her phone reminded her of the commitment, so she hurriedly went to the appointment place. She walked quickly through the streets since she was close to that place, her heart seemed to explode, she did not want her sister Angeline to tire of waiting for her and leave, at that moment she thought that she was one of the most interested in that all that presentiment of the mystery that his father had will elucidated.

So she entered the place and a little sweaty, her forehead had some drops that gave her away. Seeing her in that state, Angeline, smiling, said:

"Sister, you're a bit scruffy, I think you haven't noticed."

Mindy, running her hand over her forehead and adjusting her hair, answered with a smile and sat down.

This relaxed the atmosphere and both in unison called the innkeeper to attend them. They saw what was offered there on a blackboard so they decided to order a seafood grill, bread and two beers, their father had always told them that this was the specialty of the house.

When the food arrived they consumed it with a lot of appetite and this relieved the pressure they had felt from the fact of seeing each other again.

The personal diary

Mindy, already calmer, began to comment to Angeline about the last days of her father, who on his return from the island had treated her best and had expressed all the affection he had for her, always after returning from his daily walks, locked in his room to write in his personal diary, she respected his space and did not ask him anything about what he wrote.

Already when he had the leg problem that he could not go out anymore when he was alone in his room and went out alone to the dining room at meal time, she realized that his only distraction was to read and then continue to be engrossed in writing.

Suddenly, she had to attend to him with a nurse who helped her until he died.

Angeline, absorbed in her sister's story, let her speak until the end. One of the things her sister said was precisely the reason why she had made an effort to come to the city, such as knowing if the personal diary had not been lost.

Then she involuntarily went to take the glass of beer and suddenly it fell to the floor, leaving shattered glasses on the floor. The din that made the object when it fell made the waiter immediately go to clean up the mess.

(the story continues)

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved


As today is the eighth day of the challenge, I have completed 1084 words.

[screenshot by @felixgarciap]

Waiting for your votes, comments and rehive.


[Image by @Freewritehouse]


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