Ninja manga -MAYA of the Ayakashi:妖- Chapter4-5-6


Hello I am RYO!

This is my original account↓

I've created an account here for my manga and art!
I will post re-edited versions of my manga -MAYA of the Ayakashi:妖- ​here!

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What is -MAYA of the Ayakashi:妖-?

This is my Japanese-style manga!
It's a story about a Ninja girl Maya and a Yokai (an old Japanese ghost or monster)!
I write all my manga in English because I want the whole world to know about the appeal of manga!

But perhaps you are not good at English? Don't worry!
At the bottom of every page is the entire text of the conversation in the manga!
So you can translate it into your language and read it!
And all Japanese manga must be read from the right, but the text guides you through the manga reading order!

And my manga is currently up to Chapter 27!
This post will be a recap of chapter 4-5-6!

Hope you enjoyed it!

A Guide to Reading Manga

  • Japanese style manga is read from the right
  • The text at the bottom of each page shows the character's name and the order for read
  • The red text is Japanese.The meanings of the words are listed in (※)

-MAYA of the Ayakashi:妖-




???: Yasuke…It's been a long time…

Yasuke: Can I come to you?

???: Sure…

another???: Yasuke…Aren't you going to say "Hello" to me?

Yasuke: I know that you say "Hello" faster than me…right?

Eboshi-gaeru: Hahaha
The young man's got me!
It's been a long time, Yasuke

Yasuke: Yeah, you haven't changed

Eboshi-gaeru: It's Yokai joke?
We'll never change forever!


Yasuke: Hahaha
Are everyone else doing well?

Eboshi-gaeru: Everyone loves here!
Yokai are spiritual beings in the shadows... So we love the dark and rain…

Yasuke: I know…
So I thought here is the best place for you guys to be

Takohachi: Yasuke, Didn't you see my legs? I'm missing two my legs

Eboshi-gaeru: Hey Takohachi!
The one with ten legs is the squid!
Originally your legs eight! Learn it!

Takohachi: Are you kidding me? that's funny joke

Yasuke: Hahaha, they are lively friend

Eboshi-gaeru: Oh well…

Yasuke: However…the number of Yokai in this place is increasing all at once...

Eboshi-gaeru: We've all losing our place...


Eboshi-gaeru: Everywhere is getting rough these days...
Yokai who are tired of the human world gather in this sacred mountain…
And we can rest easy knowing that this area is protected by her Rai-ryoku(spirit power)

???: That can't last long...
Welcome Yasuke…
Good to see you again…


Yasuke: Kukuri…=※her name
When was the last time I saw you…

Kukuri: It's "Now" a moment ago...always...

Yasuke: Hum…Alright

Eboshi-gaeru: …Well, You have a lot to talk about in the future…
so we're going to "Doron(leave)=どろん" for while…
Hey guys comeon!

Yasuke: I thought spending all this time in a cave like this was going to drive you sick, but...
with so many bright guys, it's rather more lively than the outside…

Kukuri: Yasuke…
I've got something to tell you


Yasuke: You're always so direct…
You can be able to read my mind, but I can't read yours...
First of all, tell me what you've been up to…
Nothing out of the ordinary?

Kukuri: power doesn't diminish in here...

Yasuke: I think so…
I can understand because I saw your "Shikigami" earlier...
If it were other who saw that, would be shocked to death.
But mustn't forget…
Until now, Oda-sama has been you protector…
You were safe in his castle because you were in a barrier with several Onmyoji(Shaman) but…

Kukuri: Now I'm the only Onmyoji left alive...
Everyone else was killed by NMG...

Yasuke: That's right.
New Meiji government…
They're gaining considerable strength...
It's not just military power, They have a Onmyoji to rival yours


Yasuke: When I first came to this country, I had no idea of the power of the Onmyoji…
But I see now that it is a "key force" in the fate of a country...
You are the last Onmyoji of Oda's army...
You are our last hope

Kukuri: That same for you too, Yasuke

Yasuke: Alright…
So what do you want to tell me?
Last time I was working as your instructed, so I was able to work while hiding...what's next?



Yasuke: When see that up close, I can see more clearly what a tremendous spiritual force it is...
That's the Oni(鬼) that became a Shikigami(式神)…
Only Onmyoji can ask their help...
I've been in Japan for a long time, but I still find this country's concept of God strange...
Shikigami and the drummer are all Oni…
Generally speaking, Oni have a demonic stance, but they can also be gods who save humans at times...
In the west…Christ is absolute justice
And Satan will never save people...


Yasuke: But…her Oni are like demons attacking people but sometimes giving us advice...
Well…Where will her Oni lead us next...?

Kukuri: Yasuke…
Send you a message from us...
Your future is becoming more uncertain than ever before...
No, it's not just about you...the future of this entire country is in jeopardy...
It's the effect of a major transition in the world right now...


Kukuri: And in this day and age, God's power is weaker than ever...
Yokai and the holy spirits are gone, and the age of God is coming to an end...
And Yasuke…
You've been acting covertly in keeping with your promise to the Master Oda...but you don't need to act covertly anymore...
No…it's more accurate to say "Can't"

Yasuke: "Can't"? Why?

Kukuri: Yasuke…Because you are needed by the World...


Kukuri: This is no longer our problem alone...
The East and the West are going to intersect in a way that is greater than ever before...
But it's not always a good thing...
I see a big shadow that is going to disrupt the world...
Yasuke…You became a samurai in this oriental country despite being a Westerner...
You will be the bridge that will change the world...
All I can show you now is where you need to go...follow this...


Yasuke: Origami?(craft paper)

Kukuri: So much for the words I need to say...
Now all that's will guide you to where you should go...


Kukuri: See what happens next with your own eyes…

Eboshi-gaeru: So…see you again Yasuke

Yasuke: Yeah…
Please take care of her

Eboshi-gaeru: Yeah, you take care of yourself

Yasuke: Yokai are gone…hmm…
Is the day coming when I won't even see you guys again...?

Eboshi-gaeru: Hmm…
Sadly, We have a feeling that we do, too...


???: I don't think so...

Eboshi-gaeru: Haha Good! your partner seems pretty fired up!

Yasuke: Yeah…I'm looking forward to going to battle with this guy after a long time…
Oh…it was already morning


Kukuri: All I can show you now is where you need to go…

Yasuke: Alright…

Kukuri: Yasuke…
I shouldn't tell you everything...
Because your future is so limited...




Chiyome: And mission is over. Do you understand?

Maya: Then all I've to do is beat up that lascivious ass!!

Chiyome: Hey Maya
This time you two are going on mission…
We can't help you because we have another mission, ok?

Maya: Ok ok!
So now we're finally a full-fledged Shinobis!
Lets do it Sabito!!

Sabito: Shut up. Focus on mission…

Chiyome: Can they do it two alone…

Fu-ma(Touryou): If they can't do this level of mission, They'll be of no use from now on

Chiyome: Okay…

Sabito: Maya!!

Maya: Alright!!!

Samurai: What a Fu…

Maya: Kokoyo♥️ ※I'm here


samurai: Don’t f**k with me…ham!!

Maya: Sabito!!
Can you help me!?

Sabito: I'm busy!!

samurai: Die!!!


samurai: Get lost!!!

Maya: Momohachi!!!


samurai: I got you…!!!

Sabito: MAYA!!!!!


samurai: You alright? Boss…

Boss: I'm…alright…
They are the rumored Shinobi...
I thought going to die…fu*king kids…!!!
Hey! Give me Katana!!


Pentagram eye: This is again…
There's a lot of dimensional shifts…
you missed it again

???: It's not my missed…you

Pentagram eye: Wait, We have no time to argue in vain…
We'd should...


Ninja: Sorry…whoever you are, it's my job to deal with anyone who sees this…

Pentagram eye: Wait, We have no time to argue in vain…
We'd should...


Pentagram eye: Take care of this guy first

Ninja: I can't move my body…!!


Pentagram eye: Show me…

Maya: Ok ok!
So now we're finally a full-fledged Shinobis!

Chiyome: Can they do it two alone…

Fu-ma: Hey Maya Sabito.
Change of plan.
We'll all stay with you

Maya: What's!? why!?

Fu-ma: You can't argue with that…It's my order

Maya: Noooo

Sabito: Maya!!

Maya: Alright!!!


samurai: What a Fu…

Maya: Kokoyo♥️ ※I'm here


samurai: Don’t f**k with me…!!
What's…!? I couldn't move…

Pentagram eye: Oh…I see…


Pentagram eye: Fu-ma…You did foresee…
No…Is that due to "his" power...?

Ninja: I never open my mouth about my comrades...

Pentagram eye: You don't need talk…Just…


Pentagram eye: Send a message to them…
Well…Let's go find the other "Onmyoji=※Shaman master"




All: Kagome~♪ Kagome~♪
Kago no naka no Torii wa~♪
Itsu Itsu deyaru~♪
Yoake no ban ni~♪
Tsuru to Kame ga subetta~♪
"Ushiro no shomen…=※Behind you are"

Miyo: That voice…
Behind me is…


Miyo: Maya-chan!
chan=※Used as a word, primarily when calling a noun that describes a woman in a friendly manner

Maya: Wow! You got it right!
How did you guess?

Miyo: Maya-chan's voice is easy to guess~

Girl: Alright, next time we'll go around Maya-chan!

Maya: Ok! So I'll play the central Oni!
I'll guess who's behind me too!

Miyo: Kagome~♪ Kagome~♪


All: Kago no naka no Torii wa~♪
Itsu Itsu deyaru~♪
Yoake no ban ni~♪
Tsuru to Kame ga subetta~♪

Miyo: "Ushiro no shomen…=※Behind you are"

Maya: I got it!
You Miyo-chan! right?


Maya: Hey!


Maya: Where…?
Where did you go!?
Don't be mean, come out!
…sound of drums...?
Hey everyone!! where!?


Maya: You…Miyo-chan…?


???: Yoshi…※Alright


Miyo: Maya-chan
Maya-chan! Are you alright?

Maya: Mmm…everyone…?
…What happened to me…?


Miyo: You collapsed in the middle of a Kagome-song…

Maya: really…?

Girl: Are you okay?

Maya: Yeah…maybe…
What was that earlier...?
It's dream…?

Miyo: Maya-chan, are you alright? Can you get up?

Maya: Yeah…Thank you


Maya: It's that…dream again…


Maya: Dream…


Maya: Momohachi, wait here a second…
What is...doing?

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Chapter 4-5-6 END

I actually have a dark past, but I overcame it and here I am.
I was abused by my father for 20 years.
And I stopped going to school, went to a psychiatrist, and had numbness all over my body from stress.
I was constantly violated by my father and subjected to various abuses…
「You have no talent, no one will recognize you!」
「I don't want to introduce you to anyone as my son! You are a disgrace to me!」
「Your mother got sick because you were born!」
…I living with a lot of abuse from my father…
It was the world of art that saved me at that time.
I haven't had any great success in the world of art.
But the art world has always been my only hope in life.
I will continue to work in this world,
and hope that the wonderful world of art that saved me will reach many people😌

Links to all the chapters of the manga are at the bottom of the article↓

And I'm on Twitter and Instagram posting about my latest posts and my manga making process!
If you follow me I'll follow you!

Twitter Account

Instagram Account

And I've recently started posting to NFTs!
You can buy my manga art here!
I'll be making more NFT art, so check it out!
And, as of June 27, 2021, there are only two editions of this Maya art left!↓


Thank you for read!🙌

-MAYA of the Ayakashi:妖- Chapter list

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Chapter 1-2-3

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9







Chapter 16












This title image took about 10 hours

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