Walking Wednesday

Walking Wednesday

Midweek is Wednesday.
Two more days and it's Friday.
It's mid-stress and mid-relaxation.
Walk and unload your stresses.
Sometimes, you have to walk to enjoy what nature has to offer.


The last time I blogged about passing through the Strawberry Farms in La Trinidad, Benguet, I was rushing in a car. This time, I had to walk to get to the car waiting in an autoshop.
And do you know what that means? It means, more stress to the pocket.
So I need to de-stress so I can stress myself again with the expenses in the car repair.
Good thing I get to share it with my husband.
Again? Of course. He's always there in all walks of life. Including this walk.😉


Back to the walk

We took the road going to the Strawberry Farms of La Trinidad, Benguet.
Look at the sun welcoming us:


Along the way, we enjoyed looking at the farmers tending to their produce.
Right now, farmers observe crop rotation. They plant vegetables now and they plant strawberries in the next cropping or vice versa.


Waves and Greens. Green Ice Lettuce is a common crop grown in the strawberry farm because it can be grown and hasvested easily and in a short span of time. Some farmers plant all lettuce while some would plant strawberries and add lettuce in between the strawberry plants.

This area is always flooded during the rainy season especially when typhoons hit the region because it is the catch basin of the waters coming from Baguio City and the mountains surrounding the La Trinidad Valley. People here also refer to it as "swamp". Farmers tend to make the most of the land when the typhoon season has passed. Nowadays, other farmers are already practicing vertical gardening to at least elevate the plants from the ground to save it from the flood.


IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO The mountain on the left is Mt. Kalugong while on the right is Mt. Yangbew. There is a cafe on Mt. Kalugong and you can get there by enjoying a hike and get to see an overlooking view of the valley. Mt. Yangbew is alos a nice place to hike and have a picnic.

We continued our walk as we immerse ourselves in the view, looking at the plants and the mountains surrounding us.
Here are some of the shots I've taken along the way:

These kids are so happy.
They even posed for a picture.
Look at the sun showing its rays before setting.
Look at these kitties playing alongside the ditch
and look at those strawberry plants continuously
bearing fruits adding a luscious color to the greens.

I checked the time and it's almost getting late. As they say, time flies fast when you're having fun. So, we walked faster until we arrived on the road plied by a Jeepney route. It seems that we weren't tired but when we saw a jeepney, we boarded immediately. Oh how relieving. At least we were able to sweat some fats out.

📌Hi. I'm Cate and this is a glimpse of our short Wednesday walk. I hope you enjoy the view as we did.
I have another blog about another valley opposite this valley. Check it out in this link: The love between siblings knows no distance. They may grow apart but they are forever in each other's heart. @katey-cate/family-and-therapy

Thank you!🙏

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