Family and Therapy


"The love between siblings knows no distance, no age and no time."

A series of vacation leaves and you end up getting bored rather than enjoying it?
Having a vacation leave with no planned out-of-town and that's how I ended up with.
Stay at home and bored.
Before I could get back to work, I knew I needed to get these lazy bones back on. So I woke up quite early and went to my parent's house.

I was already in their yard when my brother's (4th in the family) dog, Django started barking. My brother opened the door and asked me why I'm there.

I said, "Let's jog!" So came out my two other younger brothers and my sister.

My brother got his dog's chain while my three other siblings prepared for the jog. The third and fifth child chose to stay at home as they were busy rushing work and school requirements. The second child is at work so only five of us went to jog.

Family Background

I am the eldest to eight siblings, five boys and 3 girls. It's hard being a first-born. You bear the responsibilities of raising a child not your own. And you do it over and over and over and over again.

After they have changed into their chosen jogging attire, we proceeded to the street after my parent's house. It's nice to jog there because there are few houses and few cars that pass by. Less car equals less pollution. Plus, pine trees also grow on both sides of the road.

“Siblings: your only enemy you can’t live without.”– Anonymous

I remember when we were younger, I always fight with the second-born.
We are experts in wrestling,🤼
we are champions in boxing,🤜🤛
we aim for sure-hit free throws.⚾
There was a time when I went to school with a patch in my arm. My classmates were asking me, maybe they are worried about household violence, but I said I fell.

What actually happened was, we were fighting while I was cooking so I threw the laddle to him but I missed. He picked it up and threw it back to me and shoot!
It hit me right in the arm. And from that started a wrestling match 🤼 and our younger siblings became the referees. Some held him and some held me so we won't fight. Haha.
Those were the days.

Of course now, I dare not. He grew bigger than me and stronger too.

Here's the catch:

“I may fight with my siblings. But once you lay a finger on them, you’ll be facing me.” – Abby Slater


You fight my siblings, you fight me.

Our morning jog became a cross walk-jog activity but mostly walking.
Our two younger siblings were having a sprint contest 🏃🏃 while I was telling stories with my younger brother and my sister busied herself taking pictures.📸


We rested when we got tired from jogging and we found a place where we can have a full view of the place below.


A Valley on the other side of a valley. This is the view from the road atop. The valley below is a garden of different flowers in greenhouses. They contribute to the flower produced in Benguet and sold in major markets in Baguio City and Manila.
This is another valley opposite the Strawberry Farms of La Trinidad, Benguet although this place is still a part of La Trinidad.
(I blogged about the Strawberry Farms too. Check out this link: @katey-cate/walking-wednesday)


What's in there? Makes me wonder. Even Django seems invested.


MARKING MY TERRITORY. Him and this plant. -Django


Just enjoying the view.

The sun is rising higher and we are getting hungry so we rushed going home. I dropped by my parent's house and had a full breakfast with them.
Now I can go home tired but refreshed, renewed and with full tummy.

This is the best thing that happened on my vacation.

📌Hi. I'm Cate and I hope you were able to jog with me and my you read this blog.
Going home, I realized, time spent with my family is the therapy I needed.
They are my driving force, source of my strength to go through hurdles of life.

Siblings are bestfriends from the same parents.

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