Wednesday Walk - Geelhout Gardens, magical times and lots of birds

Greetings from North West, South Africa!

If it looks like I had way too much fun on my walk today, it is because I did!
This week, I visited Geelhout Gardens, a magical place that has way more to explore and see than can be covered in one post.
Among other interesting little hidden gems, The Gardens, as we call it around here, has a very lovely plant nursery, adorable little restaurant, pet shop, art shop that also hosts classes on certain days and even a dress shop!

To add to the excitement of this walk, I finally, FINALLY, managed to buy the SD card for my camera, which I am absolutely in love with.

So, here it is, my favourite Wednesday walk to date:

A few shots of the nursery and entrance part of the gardens, I could wander around here for hours, they have an awesome selection of plants, flowers and even fruit trees.

Area with Ducks, geese and a few chickens. Bird food is available at the pet shop, my daughter loves feeding the birds!

Just a few steps away, there is an enclosed area where you can walk among many amazing looking birds. I spent a long time in here, it is always fun to get to interact with the birds, as they are quite comfortable around people.

sometimes these parrots will approach you, looking for food.

The inside of the bird enclosure, where you can always find something interesting!

Unfortunately, I do not know the names of any of these birds, but they sure are pretty and cute.

After getting a few shots of the birds, I decided to head outside again, as it was almost starting to get late.

It really is beautiful here, right?

I was lucky enough to be able to get some clear shots of the resident reptile today, something that doesn't usually happen.

After looking around for a bit longer (I had to skip over some things as I was accompanied by The Supreme Grand Master of Grumpiness, don't ask, haha)
I headed over to get a few snaps of the restaurant, which I would like to fully cover in a future post.

This place is seriously adorable! I just love the look of it and cute little details.

Thanks for walking and exploring with me! Till next time!

Credit : All photos are my own, taken using Nikon D5000 camera
Banner created using Adobe express

Also....I would like to once again thank @kerras for the camera, I cannot even explain how much I appreciate it! Thank you!!!

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