A Stroll Through Macedonia 🚶 INDEX - Visit my country through my posts!

Greetings, one and all! The people who know me know that I'm an avid walker. Frankly, I'm walking while writing this index. So it's not too much of a stretch to realize I've done countless Wednesday Walk posts.

Figured why not put them all in one place. Easily accessible and easily updatable (is that a word?). Acting as a sort of tour of my country. Yes, I can see you're blown away by my brilliance (or not).

I present to you a comprehensive list of each location and the themes therein. A list of each A Stroll Through:

▶️ Serava | A ghetto-like neighborhood that acts as a 'city within a city'.
▶️ Old Bazaar | For 600 hundred years this bazaar has stood. Since the Ottoman Empire ruled. Skopje was a vital trading post at that time.
▶️ Vardar Bay | Vardar is Macedonia's longest river. Here, we take a look at the bay in central Skopje.
▶️ Street Macedonia | Street Macedonia was built to connect the Old Bazaar with the transport station. It is one of the most visited landmarks in Skopje.
▶️ City's Wall: East Side | Skopje was ruined after a devastating earthquake in 1963. We take a look at the outcome of its rebuild.
▶️ City's Wall: West Side | Designed by famed Japanese architect, Kenzo Tange, we continue looking at what could've been.
▶️ Bit Bazaar | A stroll from my home to work. Passing through Skopje's biggest market.
▶️ Kale at Night | Kale is a fort overlooking the city of Skopje. We take a look at the city's center, as well as the fort, during a nightly stroll.
▶️ Lower Vodno | Vodno is a hill (mountain?) in the center of Skopje. It is often used for hiking. This particular hike only encompasses the lower parts of the mountain.
▶️ Canyone Matka | Canyon Matka lies just outside Skopje. In this walk, we take a hike up to a beautiful monastery.
▶️ Canyone Matka Part 2 | We take a look at said beautiful monastery and descend the hills to reach Canyone Matka.
▶️ Skopje Center Adjacent | We see a different side of the center of Skopje as I take a walk to a friend's house.
▶️ Bridges and Forts | Yet another look at the many streets present in Skopje. As well as a daytime view of the beautiful Fort Kale.
▶️ Mountain Wilderness, Veles | *Macedonia is a hilly country with lots of beautiful vistas. These vistas are on the outskirts of the Veles region, Central Macedonia.
▶️ R'levci, Veles | My sister bought a house in a remote village in the center of Macedonia. Let's explore!
▶️ Skopje; Appointment Day | I didn't know what to name this entry to pardon the name. We take another unseen region of Skopje.
▶️ Central Park Outskirts | The biggest park in Skopje, and its surroundings.

More to come... for now, let me rest...

Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

📱 All pictures taken by me using an iPhone 11 📱

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