A Stroll Through City's Wall - West Side, Skopje 🚶 A City Renewed

And we're back exploring Kenzo Tange's unfinished masterpiece. 😱

Click here if you want to see the East Side!

This time around the scenery will be a tad more varied. I think the West Side is a much more viewable experience so I hope you guys like it as well.

We went over the minutia and all the basic information about the City's Wall in the East Side post. So if you're curious about that stuff please refer to that post. 😌

Let's begin the same way we did last time, with the neighborhoods! waaaaaaa

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As you will see, the neighborhoods on this side are much prettier and well-kept. 😅

The same building structure as before applies, of course. Tall tower-like 'skyscrapers' (12-13 floors depending) and wider, multi entrance 'harmonica-like' buildings (5-6 floors).

Cafes are everywhere in this city and the City's Wall is no exclusion. As an addition, you have plenty of places to sit and relax, take a drink fo water perhaps?

And of course, the trusty swings that are everywhere in Skopje.

For the observant - yes, these are the same model of swings that I showed in the last part. There is one set for each neighborhood along the City's Wall. 🎷

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So the literal translation of this place of worship from Macedonian would be "Cathedral Church". So let's just split the difference and call it the Cathedral.

It is the primary representative of the Orthodox church in Macedonia. For instance, when the Pope visited last year, he held a sermon here.

A lot of people find solace near the Cathedral. On Easter holiday, for instance, the streets around the church are closed down and filled with people. This 'ceremony' starts from midnight the previous day and lasts all throughout Easter.

It also has a sweet bell tower. 😁

The Cathedral is a very old and important landmark in the city, and it just so happens to be along the City's Wall. So I'm glad for its seamless inclusion in this post. // was that a pat on the back? you bet your great uncle it was!

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This is the closest approximation of the translation of this place.

It is a slightly more extended version of the normal neighborhood structure of the City's Wall. And it has become somewhat of a cult place in the city.

The Block at nights is filled with young adults, drinking and/or getting high. They play sports, listen to music, chill. I never envied the people living in the nearby buildings. 😂

During the day it is filled with children playing and their grandparents resting. In summation, in 24 hours you could see the entire population of the city. Yup.

There is also a lot of graffiti.

And on its outskirts there's a basketball court. 🏀

Not sure where we'll go next week, but I reckon I'll find something interesting.

For the curious among you, here's a wiki page of Kenzo Tange's original vision. As you can see, I think the city would've looked so amazing... Now it's a jumble of buildings and designs... Oh well, such is life. 😅

Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

All pictures taken by me using an iPhone 11.

👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog 👊

Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have a great rest of your week. 😌

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