A Stroll Through Bit Bazaar, Skopje 🚶 My Morning Walk to Work

I don't know why it took me so long to document my morning walk to work. 😅 It's currently winter here, so the grass isn't as green nor the air as clear, as I would like.

I'm not showing you a park or anything similar - we're taking look at Skopje's biggest outside bazaar/market. 😁

I am planning on doing a Biz Bazaar Market Friday post, so I won't go into the minutia of the stands and shops surrounding this area - because it is an entire area, adopting the name of the market.

This is more about the route I take to work each day. And it just so happens that this route covers the edges of several of the previous locations I've taken you through. I will of course link you to said location as is suited.

Onwards! 🚶

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My morning walking routine starts with me heading behind my building complex and cutting straight through Serava.

Once we exit Serava, we pass through a one of the busiest streets in town, to end up behind the massive market. 💰

This little area links Biz Bazaar with a small neighborhood mostly occupied by Turks.

^ To the Lef of these images is the bazaar itself. We won't be going inside this time. ^

This street in particular during the day is nigh untraversable. There are thousands of people, sounds, and smells. But right now, in the early morning, only the birds could be heard chirping.


This theatre is in the middle of the road seen above - it lies behind Bit Bazaar. It's dedicated for Turkish and Albanian plays and manifestations.

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Bitka is like the colloquial nickname for this entire region. 😇 'Region' used loosely mind you. As apart from the massive bazaar itself, there is one commercial street and that's it pretty much. We'll take a look only at one side of said street.

The picture to the left is us exiting the bazaar itself - in this picture, just to the right, is one of the many entrances yo the Old Bazaar, while the one to the right is a part of the long commercial street we just talked about.

This street is filled with everything you could ever want and/or imagine. 😅 From second hand clothing stores, to little shops, to bakeries and wellness stores. Everything. You can see the hardworking populis waiting for the bus at one of the many bus stops in Bitka.

There are many tunnels along this way, each leading to apartment buildings in the back. At the end of this 'shop-road' there is an old barely used commercial center - Mavrovka.

There are still some stores that are active, and in general even though the mall is rarely used, it is still navigational touchstone for a lot of people.

As we reach the end of the street, there's a little outlet built for sale. This little building has been for sale for about a year now. 😅

This intersection marks the end of Bitka and the beginning of many administrative buildings -

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...such as the Courts shown on the picture on the left, and the National Library shown on the right. ⏬

This si very close to where I finished primary school actually. There's a famous garage and auto center here just after the library.

And the Lawyer's Street just after. Every establishment on this street is a legal representative. And it's a shame it's currently under some construction, but jus tlet your imagination roam wild!


Of course everything is closed because I am doing this walk at 7.00 a.m. in the morning. 🙂

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The name of this church is not technically St. Mary, but its the closest approximation. Since in Macedonia we have another name for the mother of Jesus.

The Church complex is sizeable, and much more beautiful when its spring or summer and the greens are out. Winter is really dreary over here. 😅

Becuase of the cold the waters are shut down as well. Both the fountains below these pillars, and the drinking fountains.

Because of its closeness to other institutions, and its calming nature, a lot of people frequent its peace. The Church is right next to Vardar, so its pretty cold this time of the year. but subsequently in the summer time its very fresh and nice to enjoy a lunch or coffee with some friends.

The Church itself.

And we finally reach the end of my walk, as this is the back to my work building - the ministry for Enviromental Protection.

The other side holds the entrance, and is connected to the East Side of Vardar Center. 🙂

And I'm at work! That was sure colder than anticipated. need to start wearing my winter clothes. 😅 -2 degrees celsius is no joke.

Not sure where we'll go next week, but I reckon I'll find something interesting.

Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

All pictures taken by me using an iPhone 11.

👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog 👊

Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have a great rest of your week. 😌

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