Day #42 and and here I am Hiving, discovering, engaging and alive again!

So here we are at Day #42 being alive and appreciating everything that I've got in life, As I #thriveOnHive on the #HiveBlockchain and #HiveIsAlive in the #IAmAliveChallenge community that was so wisely created by @ErikGusstafson known as @flaxz And if you want to know more about the brilliant challenge and this great community that is growing with amazing and inspiring people very day, then check out Erik's original post here @flaxz/glmrrjya

Here is also the link to download the I Am Alive eBook and learn how to add yourself to this group In the eBook, you will learn how to join the #IAmAliveChallenge and celebrate every day that you are Alive AND you can even Join the Team Alive Discord here too

So get clicking and join in with a wonderful like minded community and share you tears, triumphs and gratitude to still be breathing! and come and say #Hive5 to the world with us. 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

So I did it! With 15 minutes to spare (this time...), I got my submission into the AACTA- Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts for production funding for another one of my original and unique short films, so fingers crossed!
Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts entry submitted
Your entry has been successfully submitted and now awaits moderation and judging.

Entry name: Soulflower- A Mini Love Story
Category: AACTA PITCH: Charging Creativity presented by MINI

So it's essentially an ad for the new Electric Mini Hatch car dressed up in a short film, but since I already had the screenplay written, I just had to modify and shorten it by 15mins to suit the brief.

So here's the 50 word (exactly🤣) Logline for you.
When Levi, a florist feels sorry for a late arriving customer after a hectic Mothers Day rush, Levi rushes out to offer the women a bouquet and is disappointed to find her standing beside a nice new shiny Electric Mini Hatch- with a hot young guy in the drivers seat.


Anyway, whether I win or Not, I tried and that's all I can do. It's like the lotto, you can't win it if you're not in it.... Which is also like the Hive too really...

But what I have been in tonight, is lots of wonderful discoveries engaging with everyone in the #IAmEngagedChallenge, but before I do, I'd like to tell you about a great little New Segment that I found in the #PowerHouseCreatives Community: Memes and things for you to share! with thanks to @dbuzz and the crew and you can check it out here! @dbuzz/new-segment-memes-and-things-for-you-to-share

And so without further ado, I would love to introduce you to these new people that I found and all with a common theme threading through their posts- and that is Family and friends.

So here we have @mrnightmare89 who gives us his take on making friends on the #Hive here @mrnightmare89/making-friends and who's also got a great post here too about believing in yourself. @mrnightmare89/keep-on-believing- please check them both our for they are very thought provoking articles.

And then talking about making more friends again, we have here @faysal72 who talks about his friends and how important they are to him here. @faysal72/a-good-friend-is-a-big-part-of-life

And then I met a very likeminded soul to my own and that is @orianabeam who talks about self contemplation and identity, which really everyone should do every once in a while, to find put who you are-CONSTANTLY GROWING AND CHANGING TO @orianabeam/esp-eng-quien-soy-una-reflexion-personal-who-am-i-a-personal-reflection. It's about being a true friends to yourself.

And especially before you even contemplate marriage, which is what @holudghuri talks about here @holudghuri/what-is-marriage- Whether you believe in it or not doesn't matter, because every marital journey should only be up to the 2 people involved. (Unless ofcourse she's still a child and it's totally against her will and then that's kidnapping, not marriage...) What does matter, is each persons ability to choose freely whether to get married or not- regardless of the genders, races, religions, socio-economic backgrounds, etc...

And then the @denmarkguy has illustrated the warm and loving memories that he had as a child with his Aunt, born in 1904 here @denmarkguy/the-eternal-march-of-time-birthday-memories-of-sorts and wow what a post, full of beautiful memories, fantastic photos and fun.

And tonight I leave you with my thoughts for your well being and the safety of you and your loved ones.
Another original photo of mine that I took a few days ago and this one is a very lonely Southbank Promenade where my friends would normally be busking with their balloons and magic, music and stunts.......🙁

Soooo...good night all, be well and stay safe. See you all tomorrow I hope! 😀


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